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Despite Coelacanth Does the Evolutionary Dogma Re Man and Dinosaur Remain Unshaken?Or, Do Those Dogon Antique Dinosaurs of West Africa Prove Science is Myth-Staken « The s8intcom Blogger. Photo:Antique Dogon People’s Sculpture at the Metropolitan Museum of Art;Details and ID comparisons below.

Despite Coelacanth Does the Evolutionary Dogma Re Man and Dinosaur Remain Unshaken?Or, Do Those Dogon Antique Dinosaurs of West Africa Prove Science is Myth-Staken « The s8intcom Blogger

The coelacanth is a species of fish which had been thought by evolutionists to have evolved 400 million years ago (before the dinosaurs) and to have become extinct 80 million years ago. That was until living specimens began to be found in 1938. Question; what percentage wrong were evolutionary scientists about Coelacanth? I mean if you believed that they were a magical fish that would take you direct to Atlantis-on their backs if you said the secret word, you would be wrong- but really not that much more wrong than evolutionists had been. They believed up until 1938 that coelacanth walked on the sea bed using its two pairs of double fins, and that it represented a transitional form between land and sea creatures.

Energy. Unexplained Things Are Out There. Les secrets caches dans les pyramides d'egyptes. Antartique. Piri Reis. Enigme de l'histoire. En Images. Quand l’Antarctique n’était pas recouvert de glace Piri Reis de son vrai nom « Piri Ibn Haji Memmed, l’amiral Reis, est un Turc.

Piri Reis. Enigme de l'histoire. En Images

Dans les notes qui accompagnent le document, il affirme que certaines des vingt cartes qui lui ont servi de sources datent d’Alexandre le Grand et que d’autres sont fondées sur les mathématiques. Cette carte a été étudiée par le capitaine Mallery qui découvre que cette carte représente une partie de l’Antarctique.

Ce continent est pourtant recouvert de glaces depuis au moins 10 000 ans et n’a été découvert officiellement qu’en 1818. Carte de Piri Reis Zoom Pourtant, la côte de la terre de la reine Maud est cartographiée sans glace ce qui est incroyable. Le développement des premières civilisations connues ne s’est produit que bien longtemps après cette date. Amerique du Sud. Ancient Astronauts From Toro Muerto - Peru. Le mystère du triangle des Bermudes - Cristaux de l'Atlantide.

L’Atlantide est une île légendaire qui aurait été engloutie dans la pré-Antiquité.

Le mystère du triangle des Bermudes - Cristaux de l'Atlantide

Elle est mentionnée pour la première fois par Platon, en 370 avant J-C, dans le Timée et le Critias. Aujourd'hui, des liens sont évoqués entre cette cité perdue et les disparitions dans le triangle des Bermudes. Histoire de l’Atlantide Une civilisation disposant de connaissances très avancées réside sur cette île. Selon Platon, L’Atlantide est riche en ressources naturelles, parmi lesquelles figure un métal mystérieux, l'orichalque. Au cours des temps modernes, de nombreuses recherches ont été faites pour tenter de situer cette île. High Altitude Ancient Stone Energy Towers Of Peru. By: Brien Foerster - - On the altiplano of Peru, at 13,000 feet altitude near Lake Titicaca, we explored some perplexing ancient stone towers called “Chullpa” with Hugh Newman and our Megalithomania guests in November 2013.

High Altitude Ancient Stone Energy Towers Of Peru

This is a tour we do every fall. These massive structures, of tight fitting stone blocks not from the area are thought by most archaeologists to be funeral structures made by the Inca, perhaps in the 15th century. However, it seems clear that this work was beyond the capability of the bronze age Inca. So who made them? A LA RECHERCHE DE L’ATLANTIDE PAR ICA. (Tous droits réservés) Cet article est en fait le récit de mon "voyage d'études" au Pérou en 1975, qui m’a permis d’être quasiment certain que l’Atlantide avait bien existé en plein Océan Atlantique !


Ce voyage n’a rien eu à voir avec un séjour touristique classique. ThePyramids of Caral Peru. Called “the cradle of civilization of the Western world,” the ancient city of Caral in Peru is known for its pyramids, which represent one of the world’s greatest discoveries.

ThePyramids of Caral Peru

Although they are more weather-worn and less physically impressive than other pyramids around the world, they are no less historically significant, and their discovery offers new insights into the history of the Americas. Location. Orion destination ordinateur de pierre. Les incroyables pyramides sous-marines cubaines En 2001, une équipe de chercheurs canadiens a travaillé sur la côte ouest de Cuba, afin de vérifier les dires de premiers explorateurs partis en 2000 dans la même zone et qui aurait découvert une ville engloutie depuis des milliers d’années.

Orion destination ordinateur de pierre

Europe. Coordinates. France. France - Falicon/Nice A small pyramid in Falicon, the vicinity of Nice is little known outside France.


French authorities now made it a historic monument, after long discussions whether the pyramid really is as old as thought. Some people say its just a construction to protect a cavity underneath, some others name it as one of the old European pyramids. Bosnian Pyramids and World History. Pyramids in Bosnia. Bosnia. 3 colossal pyramids under the hills of VISOKO near Sarajevo/Bosnia Coordinates of Bosnian Pyramids lat=43.9800731058, lon=18.1793241944 height of the assumed pyramids: No.1 =220m, No.2=190m, No.3=100m discovered by Semir Osmanagic in 2005 and excavated since April 2006 Gabriele Lukacs has published a blog and guide book.


Dominique Jongbloed - Les Pyramides de Bosnie. Chers abonnés, chers auditeurs, Les 13 et 14 juin prochain je vous propose un évènement unique à Paris.

Dominique Jongbloed - Les Pyramides de Bosnie

Durant 2 jours, 24 conférenciers vous donnent rendez-vous pour ne plus jamais dire "Je ne savais pas". A l'affiche : La révélation des pyramides, l'ufologie, la médiumnité, les sociétés secrètes, Jack l'éventreur, la physique quantique, etc.... Réservez dès à présent vos places en cliquant sur l'image ci-dessous. Impossible Energy Beam Detected at Bosnia Pyramids. Did our ancient ancestors create pyramids to harness or even send energy?

A new discovery seems to be pointing in that direction: Pyramid Magnet - free energy - english subtitle. Pyramid's Home. Afrique. Egypt. Dating the Pyramids. It was an odd sensation climbing over the Great Pyramid, looking for minute flecks of charcoal or other datable material, loaded down with cameras, scales, notebooks, and forms with entries for sample number, site, monument, area, feature, material (charcoal, reed, wood, etc.), matrix (gypsum mortar, mud brick, etc.), date, time, notes on details, extracted by, logged by, photograph numbers, and sketches. Alignment mirrors exactly the belt of Orion (for the pyrimids) of 10,000 years ago. Historians, archeologists and researchers in our distant past insist that civilized life began on the Earth about 5,000 years ago. They point to the fact that there is no hard evidence to support the existence of a preexisting culture prior to the rise of the Sumerians and the Egyptians. When alternative historians such as John Anthony West, Robert Schoch and Graham Hancock, proposed that structures on the Giza plateau in Egypt may be far older than currently accepted, their claims were quickly dismissed.

Unfortunately for us, no written record exists which documents the date of their construction so these complex masterpieces are placed in the generally accepted timeline of human development and culture. But what if there was evidence? Hancock’s Egypt. It is in Egypt that Graham Hancock’s search for his ‘lost civilisation’ begins, with his support for a controversial attempt to redate the Great Sphinx of Giza. New Chronology (Rohl) New Chronology is an alternative Chronology of the ancient Near East developed by English Egyptologist David Rohl and other researchers [ 1 ] [ 2 ] beginning with A Test of Time: The Bible - from Myth to History in 1995. Egyptian pyramids found by infra-red satellite images. Seventeen lost pyramids are among the buildings identified in a new satellite survey of Egypt.

More than 1,000 tombs and 3,000 ancient settlements were also revealed by looking at infra-red images which show up underground buildings. Initial excavations have already confirmed some of the findings, including two suspected pyramids. The work has been pioneered at the University of Alabama at Birmingham by US Egyptologist Dr Sarah Parcak. She says she was amazed at how much she and her team has found. "We were very intensely doing this research for over a year. Les batisseurs de la pyramide de Khéops connaissaient la vitesse de la lumière ! Un lecteur curieux nous a mi sur la piste.

En effet, si on regarde la position géographique 29.9792458° nord, ce qui est une variante décimale de la vitesse de la lumière nous obtenons une position qui passe sur la pyramide de Kheops et précisément par la chambre du roi. Extraterrestrial Mummy Found In Egypt. Some online sources said that this is a species-being for its fur and reptilian traits that characterize them, such as their eyes, too large and oval shaped. Le mystère incroyable des pyramides d'Egypte. Detail+pic of the mummy. Archaeologists Unearth More Sumerian Secrets That Offer Clues To Our Past. Asie. Decouverte d'une pyramide en Indonésie plus grande que celle d'Egypte.

Le mont Sadahurip à Garut, Java de l'ouest, appelé "la pyramide de garut" est actuellement en train d'être examiné par des équipes d'archéologistes pour voir si en fait ce mont ne sera pas une structure humaine. En utilisant des instruments géo-électriques afin de mesurer la résistance des différentes couches géologiques, ils ont déterminé qu'effectivement cette structure ne pouvait pas être de formation naturelle.

Un relevé 3D de la topographie locale supporte également l'hypothése humaine. The Skeletons of Jebel Sahaba. Mysteries of lost civilizations.