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Betaworks, a New York Tech Incubator, Has Grown a Following - NY. Steve Jobs' Advice to Nike: Get Rid of the Crappy Stuff [Video] Apple CEO Steve Jobs is among the greatest innovators of our time. And yet his genius for understanding business is rarely explained in any public way. Rarer still is to hear the advice he would give to the CEO of another hugely successful company: Nike. But that's exactly what you'll learn from this video, in which Nike president and CEO Mark Parker tells about the advice that Jobs gave him shortly after the release of the Nike+ product line.

It's a simple bit of wisdom that any entrepreneur can relate to: "Get rid of the crappy stuff. " Easy to say, hard to do. "I expected a little laugh," Parker says of the exchange. The setting here is Fast Company's Innovation Uncensored conference on April 21, 2010, in New York City. KnowEm Username Check - Secure your Brand or Online Identity on. What Second Life can teach your datacenter about scaling Web app. Over the past decade, building large-scale online applications has become a pretty well-understood science with numerous books, papers, periodicals, forums, and conferences devoted to the subject.

The Web overflows with advice and prescriptions for achieving high reliability at massive scale. Trouble is, implementing the best scaling practices is not free, and is often overlooked early in a product's lifecycle. Small teams use modern frameworks to quickly develop useful applications, with little need to worry about scale: today you can run a successful application on very little infrastructure... at least, you can up to a point. Past this point lies an uncomfortable middle ground, where small teams face scaling challenges as their system becomes successful, often without the benefit of an ideal design or lots of resources to implement one.

This article will lay out some pragmatic advice for getting past this point in the real world of limited foresight and budgets. Requirements. The Chess Master and the Computer - The New York Review of Books. Chess Metaphors: Artificial Intelligence and the Human Mind by Diego Rasskin-Gutman, translated from the Spanish by Deborah Klosky MIT Press, 205 pp., $24.95 In 1985, in Hamburg, I played against thirty-two different chess computers at the same time in what is known as a simultaneous exhibition.

I walked from one machine to the next, making my moves over a period of more than five hours. The four leading chess computer manufacturers had sent their top models, including eight named after me from the electronics firm Saitek. It illustrates the state of computer chess at the time that it didn’t come as much of a surprise when I achieved a perfect 32–0 score, winning every game, although there was an uncomfortable moment.

At one point I realized that I was drifting into trouble in a game against one of the “Kasparov” brand models. Eleven years later I narrowly defeated the supercomputer Deep Blue in a match. My hopes for a return match with Deep Blue were dashed, unfortunately. Being Open Without Giving Away the Store: The Secr. <A HREF=" Widgets</A> Issue 70 - 05 | Being Open Without Giving Away the Store: The Secret Is a Sandbox Covenant By Charlene LiPublished May 5, 2010 4:00 p.m. “What’s often missing when leaders try to decide how open they should be is a coherent open strategy, something I call ‘open-driven objectives.’ With an open strategy, decision shifts from if you should be open—because social technology demands a certain amount of openness—to how open you need to be to accomplish your overall strategic goals.

In today’s world, organizations and their leaders must be open or suffer the consequences—distrust, leaks, resentment, and institutional sclerosis.” Download Request Processed.