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Getting Started. The purpose of this page is provide you with an overview of worm composting. Be assured that I will also be providing many other articles and blog posts that explore the various aspects of vermicomposting in much greater detail. UPDATE: Here is a video I made not too long ago that discusses what I feel are the “fundamentals” of worm composting.

If you are looking for a quick and dirty overview of this topic you may want to check it out: Below is a more detailed description of some of the more important components you’ll likely want to consider before starting up your first vermicomposting system (keep in mind that this section was actually written LONG before I made the fundamentals video). When it comes to starting up your vermicomposting system there are four main components to consider: 1) Container (worm bin), 2) Bedding, 3) Waste material, and of course 4) Composting worms. Container There are a wide variety of options when it comes to choosing the type of worm bin you want to set up. Worms And Stuff » Red Wiggler Worms in Alaska. Top Loading/Bottom Unloading Vermicompost Bin. I have been vermicomposting our kitchen waste for over two years. Originally I converted an old guinea pig box into a worm bin.

This worked until I tried removing the finished vermicompost, involving the of decomposing layers of kitchen waste in order to get at the finished vermicompost. Red worms also had to be removed by hand and returned to the bin in order to access the finished vermicompost. An entirely to be taking place in my basement. So this is a rather long post sharing my home made, self designed vermicoposting bin. If you are still interested, read on. The plastic lined bin has a turnable "tickler" rod at the bottom of the bin, enabling finished vermicompost to be unloaded from the bottom of the bin. Shredded kitchen waste added to the bin several days ago. (The kitchen waste is ontop of a 0.5cm layer of finished compost that I periodically add to keep odor down, plus enhance the bin's biotia.)

Here you can see red worm activity below decomposing kitchen wastes. for worm activity. Easy Roll Worm Bin Composter.