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WP fail2ban. Introducing Harp - the static web server with built-in preprocessing. After ten months, sixty releases, and countless re-evaluations of the API, I am extreamly proud to introduce Harp, a new kind of static web server that has built-in preprocessing. I encourage you to give it a try. Why another static web server? We already have extreamly reliable open source static web servers of which NGINX is the obvious gold standard. Yet there is a paradigm shift happening in the way that front-end's are being built that I feel warrents a different type of static server. I can't imagine NGINX or Apache will focus on these trends, here is what I'm seeing...

Modern Web Languages - Languages that compile to HTML/CSS/JS are becoming quite useful and they are maturing very quickly. Bootstrap Mania - Boostrap has been much more a cultural shift than a technical shift, but its a significant one. The next generation of developers are cutting their teeth on these front-end JavaScript and CSS frameworks and they are using Backend Services to flesh out their ideas. Example !!! Skeleton: Beautiful Boilerplate for Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Development. Essential Tools for Starting a Rails App in 2013.

Anyone interested in learning more about Devise [1], Breakman [2], Simple Form [3], or Sidekiq [4], should check out RailsCasts [5]. Ryan Bates, who runs RailsCasts, has screencast episodes on all of these. With 400+ episodes, if you have an idea, he has most likely done a tutorial that will walk you through the implementation, this is invaluable for everyone from newbie to experienced, in that it will likely save you lots of time. ps. Using Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial [6], and Ryan Bates's RailsCasts, I was able to go from zero knowledge about rails, to implementing CRUD apps [7] in a couple weeks. As a side note, I things these two resources show the power of internet/distance learning. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Django plugins you shouldn't start without. Sometimes there are tools out there that could make your life a lot easier but you just don't know about them. Here, I'm going to share 5 django apps that you should be using. django-extensions Documentation: Video demo: Django Extensions, amongst other things, provides extra management commands to make your life easier.

Here are a few commands to illustrate that. export_emails Allows you to export your users email addresses. Graph_models This automatically generates an image of how your models look and how they relate to each other. Runserver_plus This command runs the test server. Runscript This allows you to run any regular python script from the command line that relies on the django context (your models, for example). shell_plus If you've ever run . That's not all. Those are just command extensions to django-extensions also provides field extensions, and admin extensions.

Sekizai reversion South Enter South . Stochastic-technologies/shortuuid. Django-debug-toolbar/django-debug-toolbar. The Twelve-Factor App. AdminJS: The Backend-Agnostic Administration Framework. EPF: Ember.js Persistence Foundation. Skorokithakis/django-annoying.