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Supermarine Spitfire Mk.Ia 1/72

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640-a22082a5d175c052a47db2a521c26b86.jpg (JPEG Image, 640 × 452 pixels) 64 Squadron Spitfire IIa P7784 SH-L P/O. Rowden, RAF Hornchurch, Fort-Mardyck France. 09.04.1941 No. 64 Squadron Spitfire IIa P7784 SH-L P/O.

64 Squadron Spitfire IIa P7784 SH-L P/O. Rowden, RAF Hornchurch, Fort-Mardyck France

John H. Rowden Operation: Rhubarb Date: 9th April 1941 (Wednesday) Unit: No. 64 Squadron Type: Spitfire Mk IIA Serial: P7784 Code: SH-L Base: RAF Hornchurch, Essex Location: near Fort-Mardyck 5 km west of Dunkerque France Pilot: P/O. Attacked and shot down by an Me109 of II/JG51 flown by Hauptmann Josef Fözö. The Spitfire – Building an Accurate Replica. Posted by By ModelSpace at 14 August, at 14 : 29 PM Print The model is an authentic miniature of the original aircraft flown by Spitfire ace Robert Stanford Tuck in 1942.

The Spitfire – Building an Accurate Replica

Its alloy panels and cast metal components reflect the sophisticated construction of the original, which can be finished to represent every detail of the actual Spitfire Mk Vb on which it is based. Unlike its contemporary, the Hawker Hurricane, which used a conventional structure of wood and metal covered with doped fabric and sheet alloy, the Spitfire was an all-alloy monoplane of advanced design. The airframe was developed by Reginald Mitchell of the Supermarine Aviation Works, designer of world-beating racing seaplanes, in response to an Air Ministry specification for a new fighter aircraft. The original prototype, K5054, first flew on 5 March 1936. Operational aircraft required camouflage to make them less visible from above in flight and on the ground. Military Modelling RAF, scale model, spitfire.

Aircraft accidents in Yorkshire. Spitfire N3122 at Catterick airfield.

Aircraft accidents in Yorkshire.

On 31st May 1940 this aircraft overshot on landing at Catterick and ran over the A1 "Great North Road" into a field at the western side of the airfield. Pilot - Name unknown. Spitfire N3122 was built to contract 527113/36 By Vickers Armstrong's (Supermarine) Ltd. at Woolston and first test flown on 31st October 1939. It was delivered to 6 MU at Brize Norton on 3rd November 1939 and then issued to 54 Squadron at Hornchurch on 17th December 1939. It then moved with unit up to Catterick on 28th May 1940 and following this landing accident detailed above Cat.R/FA damage was recorded. View topic - Airfix 1/72 Spitfire MkIa ***Finished*** Hi everyone ;Airfix 1:72 Supermarine Spitfire MkIa #A01071A | New MouldNo 610 Squadron, No 13 Group, RAF Biggin Hill, July 1940.

View topic - Airfix 1/72 Spitfire MkIa ***Finished***

1/72 Spitfire Mk. IIa – A Minor Conversion of the New-Tool Airfix Spitfire Mk. I — Scale Modelling. Recently Airfix has been releasing all new tooling kits of their classic 1/72 aircraft subjects.

1/72 Spitfire Mk. IIa – A Minor Conversion of the New-Tool Airfix Spitfire Mk. I — Scale Modelling

In the best-selling Spitfire category, we’ve seen a PR ... Recently Airfix has been releasing all new tooling kits of their classic 1/72 aircraft subjects. In the best-selling Spitfire category, we’ve seen a PR MK. XIX, then a replacement of the iconic Mk. IX which dated back from the early 1960s. This is the new tool Airfix MkIa kit (A01071) that has been converted to a MkIIa using the very nice 3D-kits conversion set. The model was painted with Mr Color paints and weathered with pastels, silver pencil and oils. The fit of the kit was very good and it was a very enjoyable build.

Airfix Supermarine Spitfire Mk.Ia 1:72 Page 1 - Scale Modelling Now. Kit: A01071APrice £4.99 Reviewed by Geoff Coughlin Our thanks to Airfix for supplying the review sample.

Airfix Supermarine Spitfire Mk.Ia 1:72 Page 1 - Scale Modelling Now

Get this kit here now at This kit will be built in the not too distant future, so watch out for it in Finished Now! Reference material for your build… (from around 3 mins 30 secs into film)… Some other references that you’ll find useful… View topic - Airfix 1/72 Supermarine Spitfire MkIa (A01071A) in-box. I picked up the new Spitfire today and thought I'd do a quick review.

View topic - Airfix 1/72 Supermarine Spitfire MkIa (A01071A) in-box

It comes in a new style of end-opening box with the painting guide in colour on the back like the old series 1 boxes. The box contains two sprues of grey plastic and one clear sprue. Panel lines are similar to the other recent Airfix 1/72 Spitfires. The cockpit walls show a good level of detail and the cockpit interior is made up of 7 parts if you include the pilot. The wheel wells also have interior detail and are boxed in when the wings are assembled. Other items of note are the weighted tyres and seperate rudder. The decal sheet has markings for an aircraft of 610sqn based at Biggin Hill in July 1940.

The instruction sheet is in the usual format on 4 pages. I haven't checked any references for accuracy but it looks to be the same as the previous tooling size wise. Considering the price and level of detail I would say that this will sell in large numbers. Les Spitfire de la France Libre » L'Echarpe Blanche. Dépourvue de chasseurs modernes en quantité, la France s'intéresse dès 1939 au Spitfire de Supermarine.

Les Spitfire de la France Libre » L'Echarpe Blanche

Un unique Spitfire Mk I sera d'ailleurs livré et pris en charge par l'Armée de l'Air en juillet 1939. Après la guerre, la France utilisera le Spitfire pendant plusieurs années, l'employant au combat en Indochine, tandis que l'aéronavale emploiera la version navalisée du chasseur britannique, le Seafire. Entre ces deux périodes, des pilotes français vont voler et s'illustrer sur ce légendaire appareil, au sein des Forces Aériennes Françaises Libres. BD-72-34.jpg (JPEG Image, 450 × 622 pixels) Spitfire Mk.I, No. 64 Squadron RAF, piloted by Maurice Choron - Ready for Inspection - Aircraft.

Spitfire mk I airfix 1 72 - Spitfire Mk Ia Airfix. Spitfire mk I airfix 1 72 - Spitfire mk.IIa - 19 Sqn PZ849 - Belfast Telegraph [AIRFIX 1/72] Phantom II a écrit:Superbe, vraiment très fin.Par contre, je n'ai pas saisi pourquoi tu as acheté une hélice rotol à part étant donné que le kit en fournit une, ne serait-elle pas bonne?

spitfire mk I airfix 1 72 - Spitfire mk.IIa - 19 Sqn PZ849 - Belfast Telegraph [AIRFIX 1/72]

Ah ah bien, c'est parce que j'avais acheté la conversion avant avant qu'Airfix ne sorte les pièces pour mk.II.J'avais gardé toutes les petites pièces déjà peintes (hélice, échappements, roues, etc...) lors du dernier abandon. Ceci dit, en comparant les deux, le 3D-kits est vraiment supérieur. Je pense que monsieur Maisheuuu a tout juste, 4 pour 1 ça doit être la proportion exacte. Bon y'en a qui gardent tout à moitié commencé ou y'en a qui ont des stocks énormes pas commencés, je dois acheter tout autant mais ça traine pas ! Merci à tous pour vos commentaires, je vais tacher de finir le Hurricane ce weekend mais je vais le mettre dans "entre-deux guerres", c'est quand même du millésime 1938... Spitfire mk I airfix 1 72 - Spitfire Mk.IIa [Airfix] 1/72 - Page 2. Hello les Fightériens, Ça fait un moment que j'ai pas fait de mise à jour, il faut dire que c'est l'été ici et que j'avais la tète à boire du rosé sur la terrasse au lieu de faire des maquettes.

spitfire mk I airfix 1 72 - Spitfire Mk.IIa [Airfix] 1/72 - Page 2

J'ai aussi eu des aléas de peinture qui ont bien failli m'énerver grave et tout laisser tomber mais... mais ... mais .... "Persistance est mère de vertu" comme ne disait pas Coluche et le Spitfire a survécu ! Une première couche de brun, je joue avec les mélanges et oups là ! C'est vraiment couleur Nesquik (ou Suchard Express pour les helevètes)... Agrandir cette imageRéduire cette image Cliquez ici pour la voir à sa taille originale. Je me suis rattrapé avec le brun, il est plus à mon gout et je commence le masquage avec du vinyle pré-découpé. J'ai du forcer un peu trop sur la couche de vert, j'ai du relief entre les deux teintes. Je me suis aussi laisser aller sur les variations de teintes, ce n'est pas assez subtil entre les taches claires et foncées. Spitfire mk I airfix 1 72 - Spitfire Airfix 1/72. Spitfire mk I airfix 1 72 - Spitfire Mk1 Airfix 1/72 reprise du silvering.

Super récupération... t'en as encore un pet sous le P9 du serial coté gauche, un rien un soupçon... ressort le cutter de sa protec et Tchak, un dernier coup pour avoir enfin dompté ces decals fifix de fusellage! Et pitet un poil de KLIR sous les bords du finflash du même coté qui brillote encore un peu sur la dernière photo! Essaye aussi le meme traitement aux stencils (de délimitation des zones de marche) tout le long des 2 ailes, tu as aussi une légère brillance.

Spitfire mk I airfix 1 72 - [Airfix] Spitfire mk1 / 2 A.