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#ESOT pilot course live donor KTx breakdown of learning blocks by Frank Dor on Vimeo. Declaration of interest to host ESOT congress 2019 | ESOT. Dear ESOT Member I am writing on behalf of ESOT Council. We are beginning our process to choose a venue for the ESOT congress in 2019. ESOT is now one of the leading international transplant congresses in the world, with around 4000 delegates and a huge financial turnover. As such it is vital that the Congress is held in a top rate venue and the facilitation locally is at the highest professional level. The process for choosing a venue must involve the support of the relevant national transplant society and of key individuals who demonstrate enthusiasm and drive to be involved in such a large project. Informal enquiries have already been made from a number of centres, but if any other members wish to express an interest in hosting this event or hear more about the bidding process, then please let us know at by 30 April 2015.

Yours sincerely Thierry Berney, Secretary. Ruud Janssen. TNOC | Blog. RuudWJanssen : Proud moment of #ESOT14 case... ESOT 2013 - John Forsyth's Presidential Address. Pecha Kucha Esme Dijke Testimonial #ESOTvienna2013. Pecha Kucha Esme Dijke Testimonial #ESOTvienna2013 in ESOT Videocast Channel. Pecha Kucha night Rising Stars Young Transplant Professionals at #ESOTvienna2013.

The Blue Danube Watlz Op 314 by Johann Strauss on Spotify. Player Loading. #ESOTvienna2013 Pushing the Limit (with images, tweets) · ruudwjanssen. #ESOTvienna2013, a set on Flickr.The full set of. #ESOTvienna2013 - European Society for Organ Transplantation. #ESOTvienna2013 Pushing the Limit - the User Generated Content story by the participants. #ESOTvienna2013 Pushing the Limit (with images, tweets) · ruudwjanssen. Event Model Generation #EMG. Ruud Janssen. RuudWJanssen : Check-> Transplant meeting... RuudWJanssen : Inspired Pecha Kucha initiators... RuudWJanssen : Sand artist recounting suppresion... #ESOTvienna2013 Pushing the Limit (with images, tweets) · ruudwjanssen. Pronouncing Pecha Kucha. Ruud Janssen. Ruud Janssen. Path — Ruud Janssen. Ruud Janssen. Path — Ruud Janssen. Ruud Janssen. RuudWJanssen : Educational committee excited... Rechercher: #ESOTvienna2013. BaanCarla : Wow what a great number of... RuudWJanssen : #AIMS staff working the magic...

Ruud Janssen. Ruud Janssen. Path — Ruud Janssen. Path — Ruud Janssen. Organ transplantation society to trial paperless congress. Annalisa Ponchia The annual congress of the European Society of Organ Transplantation will go digital for its next gathering in Vienna this September. ESOT started pursuing the idea of a digitalized conference two years ago with partners AIM Group International and SpotMe and between them put together the ‘ESOT Ecosystem’, the concept of moving entirely from paper to tablet. The Society said that the system has the ability to maximize participants’ engagement and connectivity through the tailor-made ESOT 2013 App which will be offered in advance to allow faculty and attendees to exchange information before arriving on site, and to familiarize themselves with the meeting agenda. The App will give all information about the Congress, including access to the full abstract book.

Everyone attending is encouraged to use his/her device. ESOT and AIM Group International said they were 'fully committed' to make the project a success and a new concept in meeting management. Ruud Janssen. Ruud Janssen. #ESOT13 Ecosystem Venue Spincam. Ruud Janssen. Ruud Janssen. Infographics / The Evolution of Web Design (infographic) #ESOT2013 - The International Transplantation Congress 2013. Ruud Janssen. #esot spring council meeting, Rotterdam · ruudwjanssen. Ruud @ EuroAirport Basel Mulhouse Freiburg. Ruud Janssen, CMM at GLA Glasgow International Airport. Ruud Janssen, CMM at GLA Glasgow International Airport. ESOT General Assembly | European Society for Organ Transplantation. ESOT Congress #ESOT11 :: Glasgow, Glasgow City. ESOT Innovations. Foursquare. Opening & Plenary Session 1 | European Society for Organ Transplantation. Sans titre | Flickr - Partage de photos ! h4ky9qjj Shared by RuudWJanssen. What's on? | European Society for Organ Transplantation.


15th ESOT Congress Glasgow

ESOT European Society for Organ Transplantation. #esot - European Society for Organ Transplantation. ESOT PODcast John Forsythe. ESOT (ESOTransplant) Chaîne de ESOTransplantation. ESOT - European Society for Organ Transplantation. ESOT Videocast Channel. ESOT Videocast Benoit Barrou.