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Brand Storytelling | Words and Design Essential. Marketing 2020: ben jij klaar voor extreme klantgerichtheid? 2020 is een nieuwe symbolische deadline voor veel bedrijven. Heel wat strategische plannen werken naar dat jaar toe. Iedereen is ervan overtuigd dat marketing en ondernemen tegen 2020 er helemaal anders uit zal zien dan in 2010. Op basis van gesprekken met experts, ervaringen bij klanten, literatuur en eigen visie heb ik een overzicht gemaakt van hoe marketing 2020 er zou kunnen uitzien. De consument anno 2020 Om de marketingfilosofie van de toekomst te ontwikkelen is het noodzakelijk om ook de consument van de toekomst beter te begrijpen. Drie ontwikkelingen zullen het gedrag van de consument verder beïnvloeden: Volledige adoptie van nieuwe technologie: tegen 2020 zullen er ongeveer 2,5 miljard smartphones op de wereld zijn.

Onderstaand filmpje beschrijft de consument 2020: Extreme klantgerichtheid als centrale filosofie Een 7,3 op 10 zal onvoldoende zijn om het hart van de 2020 consument te veroveren. Extreem zijn omvat verschillende uitdagingen: En hoe zit dat met jou? Meer weten? 8 Key Performance Indicators for Content Marketing Measurement. 40 Cool Things to Do With Your Posts *After* You Hit Publish. 17 Brilliant Sources of Content Hiding Right Under Your Nose. Creating content is a pain in the puppy. (I'm watching my potty mouth, you guys.)

That's coming from someone whose entire job is to create content. But if you're a multi-tasking marketer -- creating email campaigns, building landing pages, managing a staff, tweaking your PPC budget, designing calls-to-action -- content creation has likely been elevated from a royal pain to a practical impossibility. I mean, maybe you'll get a blog post written in a couple weeks. If you're lucky, a new lead generation offer could get pumped out once a quarter. And an infographic? Ha, maybe next year. If you identify with that overburdened inbound marketer description and are constantly frustrated at your inability to create as much content as you'd like, this is the post for you. 1) Tap your sales and services teams. The best marketing content is the stuff that answers people's common questions. 2) Pull from your company collaboration tool. 3) Interview an internal expert.

A few things I'm not an expert on: 6 Tips for Creating Content That Spreads Naturally. We’ve all been there -- you hit publish on a blog post and expect the social shares, page views, and agreeable comments to start rolling in. But sometimes you get pure silence -- crickets, even -- in response. Using social media and content to market your business isn't a new concept, so just doing the bare minimum won't cut it.

I mean, think about how often content is shared across the web -- there are one billion Facebook users, and according to Twitter itself, there are about one billion tweets sent every two and a half days. That means there's a lot of content ... and also, a ton of noise. So it takes more effort than simply publishing content and doing your typical marketing to reach your audience and generate leads. There needs to be some stuff built into your content itself that helps it stand out from the crowd and get found. 1) Don't try something new. Wait. Seriously. 2) Surprise people. … Or make them happy, sad, afraid, angry, even disgusted!

3) Nail your headline. The Ultimate Guide to Getting Started With B2B Content Marketing | Make It Happen. 12 December 2012 The world of B2B marketing is changing – and at the heart of this transformation lies content marketing. But the meteoric rise of content marketing to its position at the top of the B2B priority list has left many organisations questioning the basics of this influential marketing trend – namely, the what, the why, the where and the how. So we decided it was time to step in and answer these key questions – in doing so, we’ve created the ultimate guide to getting started with B2B content marketing. Enjoy! What is content marketing? Content marketing refers to the creation and distribution of content with the aim of driving action from prospects and/or customers. Crucially, B2B content marketing involves the development and delivery of targeted content that is relevant to a prospect or customer at their particular stage in the B2B buying cycle. Why is content marketing so important for B2B companies?

Today’s B2B buyers are an internet-savvy bunch. The Content Question… 7 content marketing trends to watch for 2013 | Articles | Social Media. My company certainly wasn't the only one to proclaim 2012 would be the year of content and content strategy, but it's always nice to see your predictions confirmed. So, what are the emerging trends for the rest of 2012 and the upcoming year? 1. More specialized jobs. We are already seeing organizations hiring for more specialized marketing positions, such as content marketers. The reason is simple: Creating, curating and promoting content is becoming the centerpiece of today's marketing and communication strategies.

Moving forward, there will be a surge in even more specialized jobs within content marketing itself, such as video producers, infographic specialists, researchers, and bloggers, to name a few. 2. Creating fresh, high-caliber content is key, but that doesn't mean all of it has to be original. Curating content can be a big job, so it's no surprise there has been a significant emergence of curation tools such as, Scribit and Bundlr. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Untitled.

How to Recycle Your Existing Content? Every Internet marketer knows about the importance of creating content. Whether it’s creating content for their blog, or creating content in the form of articles to submit to article directories, or creating content by writing guest posts on other people’s blogs in the same marketplace – it’s all about creating content. You’ve most likely even heard of the phrase “Content Is King”.

It’s common to see or hear people in forums talking about writing 5 articles daily and submitting them article directories to gain backlinks and exposure. While that is easy to say (in terms of theory), the reality is that NOT everyone has the time to write 5 articles per day, and NOT everyone likes to write articles. Some people just plain do not like writing. I’m one of them. It takes time and effort to create content. This will save you time and effort, which eventually are going to cost you money. So what is this smarter way to recycle your content? Here’s what you can do to recycle your content. How To Use the “Seven Deadly Sins” to Turn Visitors into Customers - Smashing Magazine.

Advertisement Since the beginning of time, people have exploited the human desire to sin so that they could achieve their goals. Finding out what causes people to sin helps us understand the triggers which prompt people to take an action. The Web has made it even easier to exploit these tendencies to sin, in order to build user engagement and excitement about your service or product. In this article we’ll show examples of how successful companies exploit the tendency to conduct all the famous Seven Deadly Sins, and in turn generate momentum with their website visitors. Ready? Let’s roll. Sin #1: Pride Pride is defined as having an excessively high opinion of oneself.

People want to say: “Yes, Fortune 500 companies use this tool and I use it as well,” or “Yes, I got on the homepage of Dribbble in front of thousands of other designers; that’s the type of work I do.” Showing off your customers. Full Interactive View | Summary viewFronting up the top users. Sin #2: Gluttony Sin #3: Sloth. 9 Elements of the Perfect Post. Drawing the Brand: Q&A with Marketoonist Tom Fishburne. So what exactly is a marketoonist? Marketoonist is a business I’ve been slowly incubating over the last ten years before I even knew what the business idea was.

I started out working in marketing and doing cartoons as a hobby. The cartoons started to gain their own momentum, and over time I’ve started to focus on creating cartoons about marketing and have this weekly audience of about 100,000 people that read them. A marketoonist is really shorthand for a way a brand can communicate with its customers using cartoons, and cartoons are “content worth sharing” in their own right – they’re funny, but they also have a subtle connection to what the brand stands for, so it can supplement or augment the way a brand or business communicates with those customers.

You’re a card-carrying member of the marketing community, having worked on both the brand and agency side, but most of your work seems to be devoted to smashing the industry’s sacred cows. I like to float back and forth. I think they are. The 3 Most Important Words at Content Marketing World 2012. If last year’s Content Marketing World conference was the branded content industry’s coming out party, this was the wedding. Spafax Content Director Arjun Basu reports. The brightest minds of the custom content industry gathered in Columbus, Ohio last week for the Content Marketing Institute’s second annual conference.

With more than 1,000 attendees, the event almost doubled in size, a strong indication of a) the inexorable rise of content marketing or b) the popularity of Columbus, Ohio. CMI majordomo Joe Pulizzi indicated that next year’s event will be bigger yet. Content marketing is on the rise. But we knew that already. I was lucky enough to be invited to speak there and attended many of the sessions. Joe Pulizzi Data A lot of people used this word. But he also noted the “dramatic chasm that exists between privacy and personalization” and that if marketers don’t understand this chasm, consumers will shy away from (over) sharing forever. Another way to say this? Margot Bloomstein Theft. 3 Keys to Scaling Content Marketing Success. Is Your Content Findable, Engaging & Shareable?

“KISS” is probably the best advice when it comes to giving advice (Keep It Simple Stupid) and for that reason this post is short and sweet on the topic of how to ensure your great content attracts, engages and converts. Whether your goals are narrowly focused on revenue or more strategic involving branding and community as well as growing the business, the scalability of effective content is essential in today’s competitive marketplace. No matter how much you invest in content marketing strategy, planning, production, amplification or analytics, there are three key requirements that each content object should satisfy. Great content isn’t great until it’s discovered, consumed and shared. Findability - A lot of our work involves content development and the way many organizations are structured, content discovery isn’t a driver, but more of an afterthought.

What good is the great content you’re creating if no one can find it? Social Return on Relationships: 13 Tips to Ignite Relevant Value. How many times have we heard or read these words: Be social. Just do social. You can do social. You can tweet. Social proof = social success. The Reality Sorry folks but it is not humanly or technically feasible to learn social media in a day, regardless of what a superstar, rockstar or guru the instructor claims to be. If you are having difficulty building and nurturing social relationships via social networks, you can’t learn how to do such in a half day or two day social media class.

The ability to see real results in social media takes time, goals, objectives, planning, commitment, resources, the right mindset, integration into the DNA of your organization. Social media is not just tools. Related article: 15 Social Media Lies, Myths & Fairy Tales Is Focusing On Tech Easier than Being Human? As human beings it is natural for us to gravitate to things we know we can master. There is much more to social media than tools and technology. Return on Relationship = The Real ROI of Social Media. 14 Tips To Source and Create Great Content For Social Media. A question I often hear is how do you create great unique content? What most people and companies don’t realise is that they have great content it just happens to be offline in Silos, files on computers that are waiting to be repurposed for online.

It can be interviews or press releases that can be edited, summarized or combined. There are presentations you have used for clients, articles you have sent to clients, information from your suppliers that is sitting on your computer, there are training videos that could be edited for YouTube, videos taken at conferences. The core foundation for your content should be initially a blog as part of your own website’s domain, this will help with creating links that will improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to help you “get found online”.

A good part of this article is devoted to the best ways to utilize your content from outside your website. 5 Tips For Repurposing Off-line Content To On-line Content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Edelman Digital: How To Keep Online Audiences Interested. Many companies “do” social media, but far fewer do it well. While brands enter into social media with various goals in mind, an overarching objective should always be to build and retain audiences on social channels. Putting a strategy together up-front around content, cadence and voice can generate consistency and drive regular interactions that can turn casual fans into brand advocates. Framing content with targeted ad buys, listening to an audience’s feedback and effectively measuring results can help build community and make a brand’s voice heard over all the noise.

Keep in mind that the ideas below are standard practices, but every digital strategy should be customized for clients. 1. Set expectations up front. What story does the client want to tell? From there, build a narrative that content will follow. 2. Cadence and posting times are equally as important to nail down. 3. 4. 5. (Original article by Mary Beth King. 5 Key Takeaways From Content Marketing World 2012. I was fortunate enough to be in attendance at this year’s Content Marketing World conference which wrapped last week in Columbus, OH.

This is the mecca for content and social media marketing, and on hand were the superstars of the industry from across the country and around the world. Content marketing experts such as Ann Handley, Michael Brenner, and CC Chapman were in attendance along with social media experts like Jason Falls, Jay Baer and Amy Porterfield to name a few. Here are my key takeaways from the event: 1. Only 36% of Businesses Believe That Their Content Marketing is Effective. CMI founder Joe Pulizzi previewed the 2013 Content Marketing Benchmark Report citing the report’s highlights: Photo Courtesy of Content Marketing World 2. Author and content marketing advocate Mitch Joel delivered an incredibly inspiring keynote, focusing on the five movements that are keeping marketers on their toes. 3. What is your business doing to tell a better brand narrative? 4. 5. De toekomst van digital storytelling. Ooit was het allemaal heel eenvoudig.

We verzamelden rond een kampvuur, rond de verjaardagstaart of rond de stamtafel en we vertelden elkaar verhalen. Dat deden we in groepen, die elkaar kenden en vertrouwden. Nieuwkomers werden via die verhalen ingewijd in de cultuur en de gewoontes van de groep. In die verhalen zaten diepmenselijke levenswijsheden verstopt. Ze waren grappig, vrolijk of ernstig. Digital storytelling? Al die verhalen verbonden. Storytelling 1.0 stijl Daar waar vroeger de verhalen voornamelijk van mond tot mond gingen (ze werden doorverteld, met de woorden altijd in exact dezelfde volgorde), is er veel gebeurd: woorden zijn niet langer heilig.

De verteller had autoriteit Die nieuwe mores heeft onmiskenbaar geleid tot een veranderende betekenis van de verhalen die we elkaar vertellen. Verhalen vertellen via social media De opkomst van social media heeft geleid tot een verregaande versnippering van die autoriteit. Want ze zijn niet meer exclusief ‘in the know’. Het fundament van Digital Storytelling. Content curation: A poor substitute for original content. 6 Reasons Why You Will Fail at Blogging. Is Your Content Boring? 6 Steps To Great Content. The Content Marketing Bucket List. The Content Marketing Checklist For B2B Marketers. 9 Content Marketing Articles You Shouldn’t Miss. 5 Motivations for Sharing Content. How Dynamic Content Makes Your Marketing a Helluva Lot More Personal. 10 Steps to Reinvent Media Strategy. 29-content-marketing-secrets-ebook.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Five Lessons from Content Marketing World. TEDxAtlanta - Sally Hogshead - How to Fascinate. Multitasking Makes You Stupid: The Case for Outsourcing Content -- Joe Pulizzi. Ntent Strategy Generator Tool - V2 Update. The Ultimate Guide to Content Planning. Content 4.0 From Awesome to Many. What are 10 Addictive Types of Content? 10 Reasons Why "Liquid" Content Should be Included in Your Social Media Marketing. Contentmarketing & SEO: een stappenplan – Best practices. Social Media: 9 Questions To Ask Your Customers When Creating Content.

Why Great Content Is Vital. 88 Content Creation Ideas for Better Business Blog Posts, Images, or Videos. The Guide to Developing a Content Strategy for "Boring" Industries. All content is marketing. 7 Lessons From Content Marketing’s Greatest Hits. The 10 Commandments of Social Media Content Marketing.