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The Guitar Master :: Interactive Circle of Fifths :: 1.) Click on a key name (C,D, Ab, G# etc…) to spin the circle until that key is at the top. The name in the red oval should always be the key you are interested in so make sure it is at the top. You are now working in that MAJOR key. 2.) Once the key you are interested in is at the top, the following statements are true: - Names to the right of the dividing line are the names of the notes in this major scale. - Names to the right of the dividing line including the chord types (major minor or diminished) are chords in this major key. - The mode names (lydian, locrian etc…) are positioned near names of major scales required to achieve that mode for the key in question. - The name at 3 ‘o’ clock is the relative minor (key, chord or scale) to the major key in question.

Example1 Let’s say we want to know how to play an E phrygian scale. 1.) Example2 Let’s say we want to know what the notes are in a G# major (or F minor) scale. 1.) Example3 I hope you find this useful. The Guitar Master share. Skale Tracker. Ambience for the Masses. Relax your mind. Enjoy ambient music to lift your mood. // Beach. Lakeside Relaxation sound and music. Lakeside sounds are the sounds perceived by nature. They are ideal for a quiet mind. Some people prefer using them for meditations and simple therapies like yoga and massages. You must not be at a lakeside to feel the depth and beauty of nature to relax yourself. You can be sitting anywhere at all. All you need is a good imagination. Relaxing ambient sounds, listen, create and download.

Environmental Broadcast - -- --- John Bull -- In Nomine a 5 -- In Nomine (1987) --- -- - Audiogravity-18th-september-2k9. Sequencer - zefrank. Raindrop.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object) Epsilon. 4-string Chord Finder.