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A Step-by-Step Guide to Write Your Own Android App | Mobile Technology News blog by Web Spiders. Getting started with Android PhoneGap in Eclipse. FrontPage.


Android app pwns cardkey entry systems, opens all the locks. Introduction to Android Development. Mobiletuts+ will be covering all major mobile platforms - iPhone, Windows, Android and Blackberry. Today we'll be taking a look at Android development: explaining why people have choosen to work with Android and providing an overview of the Eclipse IDE and its Java, DDMS and debugging perspectives. Finally, you'll learn how to get started making your first Android app! Android 101 Tutorials: What is Android? Android is an open source mobile operating system that combines and builds upon parts of many different open source projects. Why Android? There are many advantages to developing for the Android platform: Zero startup costs to begin development. Prerequisites before continuing with this article include: You must download and install the Eclipse IDE.

The Eclipse IDE Eclipse is a complex, multi-language, and extensible Integrated Development Environment (IDE). After opening Eclipse for the first time, select a workspace to save your project within. The Java Perspective The DDMS Perspective. How to install Android on your Netbook/PC | Tech Spikes.