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Tim Burton. Tnbcmediadecalsheetsec11322853572371.jpg (JPEG Image, 1500 × 1121 pixels) Tnbcmediadecalsheetsec11322853572371.jpg (JPEG Image, 1500 × 1121 pixels) Vault Review: Revoltech Santa Jack Skellington (Sci-Fi #017) « It'sAllTrue.Net. November just wasn’t festive enough for Christmas toys so I decided to hold back this review until a little closer Christmas.

It’s been difficult because I like this figure almost as much as the original. So, with Christmas just a few days away, here’s Sci-Fi Revoltech No. 17: Jack Skellington in Santa Suit. I like The Nightmare Before Christmas, but I’m not a crazy fan. I don’t own every version of every character ever made, but Revoltech’s Sci-Fi line did such a good job with the original Jack that I just couldn’t help being tempted by the Santa version. I think I might have gotten away without pre-ordering it until I clicked on the picture that contained his accessories. It just goes to show if you see something that may be tempting, don’t keep looking at it. In many ways Santa Jack is very similar to the original. Where Jack’s original figure had an overabundance on the sculpted details to his suit, Santa Jack’s costume is very minimalist. Santa Jack’s paint job is also very basic.

Jack Skellington Santa Version Revoltech Action Figure Images - 6 of 10 at Mighty Ape NZ. Review: Revoltech Jack Skellington - TOMOPOP. We all have movies that shaped our youth. I can list off any number of films that contributed to making me who I am today -- (shudder) just off the top of my head. deserves a spot near the top of that list. Henry Selick and Tim Burton's incredible vision blew my mind the first time I saw it at the tender age of 12 and still occupies a special place in my heart. I was always obsessed with things that go bump in the night, so Jack Skellington's wish to remake Christmas in his own twisted image appealed to me immensely. Over the years, the film has inspired a devoted fan base, and it's easy to see why. The animation is beautiful, the songs are on par with almost anything from Disney, and most of all, the character designs are incredible.

The most iconic, of course, is Jack Skellington himself, the pumpkin king and man about town. Because of this, we've seen multiple iterations of him in toys throughout the years. First of all, let me get the formalities out of the way. Review: Play Arts Jack Skellington by Square Enix - TOMOPOP. I know I'll probably get yelled at for this, but I have to admit that as a kid The Nightmare Before Christmas wasn't exactly a movie I liked. I actually hated it, despite all of the cool, rebellious street cred it attained. But this particular Jack Skellington isn't simply from Halloweentown, he's also from Kingdom Hearts 2. KH2 you say? Surely I must be a fan of that series, at least! I'm sorry to disappoint. Kingdom Hearts wasn't a series that I ever got into, despite my love for both Disney and Final Fantasy.

Figure Name: Kingdom Hearts II Play Arts Vol. 3 Jack SkellingtonFigure Maker: Square EnixRetail Price: US$29.99 at the Square Enix store Jack's packing is pretty classy, and the box is decorated with that signature Kingdom Hearts aesthetic. The back of the box is pretty spiffy as well, with some nice art of Jack and Zero gallivanting around Halloweentown, with a liberal use of Photoshop to achieve a happy, flying Zero, and a prancing Jack.

I started out by playing with Zero. Toysrus. Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest. A Halloween Christmas | Nightmare before Christmas. Nightmare Before Christmas 10th Anniversary Snowglobe | Halloween.