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Bits of Business Advice

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The Power of Framework Thinking | Sean Johnson @intentionally. Companies hire consultants for two reasons. The first is their experience, gathered from solving a variety of difficult problems over time. The second is their point of view. The best consultants codify their experience into frameworks, designed to abstract experience into principles that can be broadly applied to a variety of situations.

By operating within frameworks, they’re able to quickly navigate complex problems and arrive at novel solutions. It’s extremely difficult to replicate the first benefit. There is no shortcut for experience. The Benefits of Framework Thinking Most companies are disorganized and chaotic. Everybody’s winging it. This presents a tremendous opportunity for someone who understands the power of frameworks. Framework thinkers are able to bring clarity to situations. Framework thinkers make more progress.

As you become someone who acquires, internalizes and deploys frameworks effectively, you become a voice of reason in an otherwise crazy company.

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Kathy Sierra: Building the minimum Badass User, Business of Software. A masterclass in thinking about software product development. - Business of Software US. Stop what you are doing and watch this is you are involved in making software. Most people have been doing it all wrong. The inspirational Kathy Sierra kicked off the Business of Software Conference 2012 with this brilliant, brilliant, talk. Video & Transcript below Not only some of the smartest advice anyone has given about how to approach software development, there is also a trick that is guaranteed to make you feel more confident, more powerful and more in control of what you do.

It costs nothing, takes no time and you can use it whenever you want to. Video Get on the BoS Conference Mailing List Be first to see new videos, join free speaker hangouts, stay up to date on BoS Conference programmes and a regular dose of thought provoking ideas from around the web that will make you look smarter at home & at work. Unsubscribe anytime. Transcript And the four most intelligent words I have ever actually read on TechCrunch is this. Just let it go. This is where the power is. Badass at what?