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FOREIGN POLICY AND UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRIA. Centre on Human Rights in Conflict. The Centre on Human Rights in Conflict (CHRC) is an interdisciplinary centre that carries out academic and policy-orientated research in situations of military, political, cultural, social, economic conflict and in transition from authoritarian regimes. Our work addresses the complex and dynamic relationships between human rights and conflict, including: Human rights violations as causes and consequences of conflictHuman rights claims as sources of conflictDilemmas of accountability in post-conflict situationsHuman rights as a framework for resolving conflicts and building post-authoritarian societies.

The CHRC focuses on the interplay between international law and international politics and the legal, political and cultural contests about human rights. ECMI - European Centre for Minority Issues: Home. Small Arms Survey - Home. Forschungsgesellschaft - angewandte Forschung & Technologieentwicklung - JOANNEUM RESEARCH. Egmont. Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization PAS. Institute for Development and International Relations. University of Iceland. Handa Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence.

Ústav mezinárodních vztahů. The Federal Trust - Homepage. Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Toplum Araştırmaları Vakfı | SETA. Department of Economics at SOAS, University of London. Department of Economics The study of Economics at SOAS started in 1962, as a section in the newly established Department of Economic and Political Studies. The Department was divided in October 1990, when the Department of Economics was formed. Since then it has grown significantly in size and it presently includes 18 academic members of staff and 3 teaching fellows, in addition to research staff and computing staff. The Department of Economics is one of the country's leading departments specialising in the economics of development and growth. Research is pursued on a variety of topics and is unique in its depth and range of regional coverage.

A special feature of the Department is the orientation to Political Economy and heterodox approaches to Economics. The Department of Economics' strengths are recognised internationally and, as a consequence, it has received large amounts of funding for its teaching and research activities from a number of international organisations. Contact: LSE - London School of Economics and Political Science. MPIfG - Homepage. Media Tenor - Home. ISN. Think tank zwischen wissenschaft, wirtschaft, politik und gesellschaft - stiftung neue verantwortung. Home - Institute for Market Economics. Home - Dods Parliamentary Communications. INCORE : Home Page. George C. Marshall Center - European Center for Security Studies - Public Web - Home. Startseite | Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden. GIGA | German Institute of Global and Area Studies. ISIS Europe. Uluslararası Stratejik Araştırmalar Kurumu.

Istituto Affari Internazionali - Home Page. Home | Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination. Oxford Analytica - Global Analysis and Advisory.


Wissenschaft und Frieden Online. Aktueller Beitrag Putin in die Stirn schießen Jürgen Nieth Gewaltfantasien einer Präsidentschaftskandidatin In einem Telefongespräch mit dem Rada-Abgeordneten Nestor Schufritsch hat die Chefin der ukrainischen Vaterlandspartei und wahrscheinliche Präsidentschaftskandidatin, Julia Timoschenko1, ihren Gewaltfantasien freien Lauf gelassen. Schufritsch gehört zwar zur Partei der Regionen des gestürzten Präsidenten Viktor Janukowitsch, ist aber mit Timoschenko sehr gut bekannt und wie das Gespräch zeigt, stimmen sie auch politisch weitgtehend überein. Das Gespräch wurde zuerst auf YouTube und dann im russischen Fernsehen veröffentlicht. Mittlerweile kursieren eine Reihe Mitschnitte im Internet. Es wurde wahrscheinlich am späten Abend des 18. Zum Heft diese Ausgabe bestellen Dossier 74 Information Warfare und Informationsgesellschaft Zivile und sicherheitspolitische Kosten des Informationskriegs W&F-Dossier 74 befasst sich mit »Information Warfare und Informationsgesellschaft.

Zum Dossier. European Forum - for Democracy and Solidarity. European Stability Initiative - ESI. European Union Think Tanks. EISA online. Egs. Russian and Eurasian Security Network (RES) DCAF.