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Abdul Alhazred

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Abdul Alhazred. Name[edit] The name Abdul Alhazred is a pseudonym that Lovecraft created in his youth, which he took on after reading 1001 Arabian Nights at the age of about five. The name was invented either by Lovecraft, or by Albert Baker, the Phillips' family lawyer.[1] Abdul is a common Arabic name component (but never a name by itself), but Alhazred may allude to Hazard, a reference to the book's destructive and dangerous nature, or to Lovecraft's ancestors by that name.[2][3] It might also have been a play on "all-has-read", since Lovecraft was an avid reader in youth.[4] Another possibility, raised in an essay by the Swedish fantasy writer and editor Rickard Berghorn, is that the name Alhazred was influenced by references to two historical authors whose names were Latinized as Alhazen: Alhazen ben Josef, who translated Ptolemy into Arabic; and Abu 'Ali al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham, who wrote about optics, mathematics and physics.

Biography[edit] H. P. Lovecraft[edit] August Derleth[edit] See also[edit] H. P. Lovecraft. Howard Phillips "H. P. " Lovecraft (August 20, 1890 – March 15, 1937) was an American author who achieved posthumous fame through his influential works of horror fiction. Virtually unknown and only published in pulp magazines before he died in poverty, he is now regarded as one of the most significant 20th-century authors in his genre. Lovecraft was born in Providence, Rhode Island, where he spent most of his life. Although he seems to have had some social life, attending meetings of a club for local young men, Lovecraft in early adulthood was established in a reclusive 'nightbird' lifestyle without occupation or pursuit of romantic adventures.

Lovecraft returned to Providence in 1926, and over the next nine months he produced some of his most celebrated tales including "The Call of Cthulhu", canonical to the Cthulhu Mythos. Early life[edit] Family[edit] Lovecraft at c. nine years old Upbringing[edit] His grandfather's death in 1904 greatly affected Lovecraft's life. Adulthood[edit] The H.P. Lovecraft Archive. Necronomicon. Necronomicon Project - Complete Index.

The Necronomicon Anti-FAQ. Each thing evokes its opposite Kendrick's Nemesis Reasons are dried gripes Index Q. What is the Necronomicon? Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. What is the Necronomicon? The Necronomicon of Alhazred, (literally: "Book of Dead Names") is not, as is popularly believed, a grimoire, or sorcerer's spell-book. The author of the book shared with Madame Blavatsky a magpie-like tendency to garner and stitch together fact, rumour, speculation, and complete balderdash, and the result is a vast and almost unreadable compendium of near-nonsense which bears more than a superficial resemblance to Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine.

In times past the book has been referred to guardedly as Al Azif , and also The Book of the Arab. Where and when was the Necronomicon written? The Necronomicon was written in Damascus in 730 A.D. by Abdul Alhazred. Who was Abdul Alhazred? Little is known. As Nostradamus himself puts it in Quatrains 1 & 2: "Sitting alone at night in secret study; it is placed on the brass tripod. Cthulhu-Mythos.

Der Cthulhu-Mythos umfasst die vom amerikanischen Schriftsteller H. P. Lovecraft und anderen Autoren der Horrorliteratur erdachten Personen, Orte, Wesenheiten und Geschichten. Bekanntester Bestandteil dieses Mythos ist das ebenfalls fiktive Buch Necronomicon, in dem die interstellaren Wesenheiten mit übernatürlichen Kräften genauestens beschrieben sind. Diese Wesen werden von Lovecraft als die „Alten“ oder die „Großen Alten“ bezeichnet. Sie stammen aus weit entfernten Teilen der Galaxis oder sogar des Universums und unterliegen keinen uns bekannten Naturgesetzen.

Der Ursprung des Mythos[Bearbeiten] Der Begriff[Bearbeiten] Der Begriff Cthulhu-Mythos wurde von August Derleth, dem amerikanischen Autor, Verleger und Briefkontakt von H. Entstehung eines Mythos[Bearbeiten] Ausgangspunkt des Mythos sind Lovecrafts Kurzgeschichten und Erzählungen, die meist im Neuengland der 1920er und 1930er Jahre angesiedelt sind. Elemente des Mythos, die von Lovecraft verwendet wurden[Bearbeiten] Azathoth.