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83 Year-Old Woman Gets the World's First 3D Printed Jaw. An 83-year-old woman in Belgium is now the proud owner of what could be possibly the coolest lower jaw in history: a 3D printed titanium mandible replacement.

83 Year-Old Woman Gets the World's First 3D Printed Jaw

The jaw was implanted successfully a few months ago by doctors at the University of Hasselt BIOMED Research Institute in Belgium to replace the woman’s seriously infected jaw bone. The replacement was 3D printed by researchers at the University of Hasselt out of titanium powder. The jaw bone was printed by LayerWise with a new technique called Laser Melting technology which creates a patient-specific bone replacement that will, when the patient has recovered, work much like the jaw-bone her body built. “Computer technology will cause a veritable revolution in the medical world. We just need to learn to work with it,” said Professor Jules Poukens after the surgery. The final jaw replacement made from titanium weighs just a tiny bit more than an actual jaw and will allow the patient to eat and speak as normal once she’s healed. The Art of Painting in Water. Suminagashi is the ancient Japanese technique of painting on water to create marbleized effects on paper.

The Art of Painting in Water

Literally, it means “ink-floating”, which is in reference to the Sumi-e inks that were originally used in the technique. The patterns are the result of color floated on either plain water or a viscous solution, and then carefully transferred to an absorbent surface, such as paper or fabric. Now, artists use both traditional inks and acrylic paints (usually watered down) to create this beautiful artwork. What do you think of this technique? Have you ever tried it? In Progress: One Ocean / soma. Construction on soma‘s “One Ocean” thematic pavilion is currently well underway and scheduled for completion in May 2012.

In Progress: One Ocean / soma

Selected as the first prize winner of an open international competition in Yeosu, South Korea, the thematic pavilion was designed to embody the Expo’s theme “The Living Ocean and Coast” and transform it into a three-dimensional “multi-layered” architectural experience. The goal of the Expo is to portray the responsible use of natural materials, which has been embedded into the sustainable climate design and the biomimetic aspects of the facade of “One Ocean”. Read on for more after the break. The site of the new pavilion is on a former industrial harbor.

As part of the exposition goals, the organization aspires to improve the water quality so that it may be adapted to use as an urban beach, offering leisure activities to the public. J. MAYER H.     BUILDINGS.URBANISM     METROPOL PARASOL. Project Architect: Jürgen Mayer H., Andre Santer, Marta Ramírez Iglesias J.


MAYER H. Project Team: Ana Alonso de la Varga, Jan-Christoph Stockebrand, Marcus Blum, Paul Angelier, Hans Schneider, Thorsten Blatter, Wilko Hoffmann, Claudia Marcinowski, Sebastian Finckh, Alessandra Raponi, Olivier Jacques, Nai Huei Wang, Dirk Blomeyer (Management Consultant 1st Phase) Folding space. 3d fractals. Edinburgh SCOTLAND suckerPUNCH: describe your project. tom BEDDARD: It is an exploration into the relatively new field of 3D fractals. I write my own software to render a new set of mathematical algorithms that generate 3D structures with unlimited detail. I find it fascinating to investigate the resulting wide range of structures ranging from the natural and organic to geometric and artificial, especially as appear from purely mathematical space. sP: what or who influenced this project?

tB: I’ve always been drawn to the aesthetics of detail and intricacies and as a programmer generative and mathematical art has been natural attraction. sP: what were you reading/listening to/watching while developing this project? tB: I’ve been working on this software on and off for the past year so I couldn’t say anything specific here. sP: whose work is currently on your radar?