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AutoCAD Wiki. AutoCAD 2009 with the Classic User Interface AutoCAD is a CAD (Computer Aided Design) software application for 2D and 3D design and drafting, developed and sold by Autodesk, Inc.

AutoCAD Wiki

Initially released in late 1982, AutoCAD was one of the first CAD programs to run on personal computers, and notably the IBM PC. Most CAD software at the time ran on graphics terminals connected to mainframe computers or mini-computers. In earlier releases, AutoCAD used primitive entities — such as lines, polylines, circles, arcs, and text — as the foundation for more complex objects. Since the mid-1990s, AutoCAD has supported custom objects through its C++ API. AutoCAD LT AutoCAD LT is a version of AutoCAD with more limited capabilities. AutoCAD Student Versions AutoCAD is licensed at a significant discount over commercial retail pricing to qualifying students and teachers, with both a 14 month and perpetual license available. Vertical programs Version history See also References. Parametric Modeling in AutoCAD: AECbytes Viewpoint #32. AECbytes Viewpoint #32 (May 16, 2007) Neil C.

Parametric Modeling in AutoCAD: AECbytes Viewpoint #32

Katz Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, LLP Many people are surprised by some of the work that I do at SOM. But while we have created a number of sophisticated tools for building modeling and analysis, it is not the work itself that provokes this reaction. Instead, it is the fact that much of the work has been done in AutoCAD. Two hot themes in computational design for architecture currently are "building information modeling (BIM)" and "parametric modeling. " What is Parametric Modeling? Building models are representations of buildings. Building models can be explicit, where every aspect of the model is well-defined and can be described, typically without referring to other parts of the model.

SOM Learning Center. AutoLISP Files Index 1999. ABC's of AutoLISP: Contents at Glance - Copyright © 1997 George Omura. Learn AutoLISP for AutoCAD productivity. Autolisp Treasure Chest (Book and 3.5-inch diskette) (9780879305185): Bill Kramer. Apiusurface. From wiki:Shape grammars in computation are a specific class of production systems that generate geometric shapes.


With shape grammars, forms can be created that are not stored in the computer previously. Shape grammars have been studied in particular in Computer Aided Architectural Design, as they provide a formalism to create new designs. The foundation of shape grammars in architectural design have been defined in a seminal article by Georgy Stiny and James Gips in 1971. LISP for AutoCAD - AutoLISP - Visual LISP. Please feel free to be inspired, cut&paste or if you have any feedback, questions or looking for an AutoLISP programmer for small or large projects go here.

LISP for AutoCAD - AutoLISP - Visual LISP

If you want some customization or anything else that you can come up with that we might help you with you're welcome to contact us. Want to learn LISP for AutoCAD? The Visual LISP Developer's Bible, 2011 Edition Read and write the settings in the "Explode AEC Objects" dialog box when using command _AecObjExplode AttDefToMText.lsp Convert Attribute definitions to MText AttDefToText.lsp Convert Attribute definitions to Text DLF.lsp Delete AutoCAD layer filters TextHeight.lsp Text is resized based on the justification point tsh0.lsp Set all text style's height to 0 XrefRename.lsp Rename xref and update path XrefRepath.lsp - Repath xrefs to use relative paths instead of absolute paths.

Wcmatch AutoCAD AutoLISP function Some free AutoLISP code by Mark Beggs AutoLISP / Visual LISP. Rotinas AutoLISP.