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Aptitude Questions and Answers - IndiaBIX. 17 Websites That Will Make You Smarter. It happens more often than you think.

17 Websites That Will Make You Smarter

New management cancels a position, a company goes bankrupt or you have an epiphany on the bus home one night, and all of a sudden, you know it’s time for you to switch careers. When that happens, usually in your late 30s or early 40s, reinventing yourself may seem like an impossible task. But with a little preparation and a lot of determination, you can take on change with a clarity that will lead you right into your next dream job. Take time to regroup. Whether it’s a week without your cell phone or a month at your parents’ country house, it is important to take the time to say goodbye to your old career. What You Need to Do to Make a Midlife Career Change. Balajiganapathi Senthilnathan's answer to I'm preparing for the ACM-ICPC 2016, what should be the perfect strategy and how much time should I practice daily? THIS IS DEDICATION (BEST OF YO ELLIOTT)

Goldman Sachs (Strategies group) IIT G 2012 paper. Goldman Sachs (Strategies group) Written test: It consist of 3 papers, all three are having both subjective and objective questions. 1st Paper : It is based upon mathematics (linear algebra (little concept), probability, little bit concept of random variable). 2nd Paper : It is an algorithm based question paper, some output based questions (with some are having probabilistic answer) are there, almost all algorithms are using concept of probability(try to understand randomized algorithms). 3rd Paper : It is having system related questions.

Goldman Sachs (Strategies group) IIT G 2012 paper

The topics are operating system, network, computer organization and architecture, database etc. Note : They select around 40 people, but it is important to have higher marks in at least one paper which increase your chance of getting selected. Interview : They are taking 2 to 3 interview only. Problem Classifier.

Problem set @ Timus Online Judge. Solution for: Minimum window in String in O(n) Ok, let’s solve the last programming riddle:

Solution for: Minimum window in String in O(n)

Data Structures and Algorithms - CodeChef Discuss. pVtz2r - Online C++0x Compiler. Welcome to eBay: Sign in. The Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm in my own words - jBoxer. For the past few days, I’ve been reading various explanations of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt string searching algorithms.

The Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm in my own words - jBoxer

For some reason, none of the explanations were doing it for me. I kept banging my head against a brick wall once I started reading “the prefix of the suffix of the prefix of the…”. Finally, after reading the same paragraph of CLRS over and over for about 30 minutes, I decided to sit down, do a bunch of examples, and diagram them out. I now understand the algorithm, and can explain it. For those who think like me, here it is in my own words. The Partial Match Table The key to KMP, of course, is the partial match table. Here’s the partial match table for the pattern “abababca”: If I have an eight-character pattern (let’s say “abababca” for the duration of this example), my partial match table will have eight cells.

Now, in order to talk about the meaning, we need to know about proper prefixes and proper suffixes. Let’s examine what I mean by that. Let’s try it for cell four. The Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm in my own words - jBoxer. 10 Log File Managers For Linux Users. 1. Alerttail Alerttail is a file and triggers events tool based on regex matching. Notify (libnotify), sys command, filtering and geoip localization actions are provided. It is highly configurable using a configuration file. 2. Logmonster is a tool to collect log files from one or many web servers, split them based on the virtual host they were served for, sort the logs into chronological order and finally pipe the sorted logs to the log file analyzer of choice. 3. This tool analyses log files or traces in the real time and then produces sound events based on the results of the analysis. 4. autoabuse. Which is your favourite spoj problem that seems difficult to solve but has a very simple logical solution?

Problem Classifier. Strings and string manipulation in C++ Regular Expressions with the Boost Library Notes: This section assumes that you are familiar with regular expressions (at least at an intermediate level); I provide very brief explanations of the regular expressions used, mostly as a reminder; if you are unfamiliar with these, I could recommend this site, or Wikipedia's page on regular expressions.

Strings and string manipulation in C++

Regular expressions are going to be part of the C++ language (part of the Standard Library), in the upcoming revision of the language, the so-called “C++0x”; however, this is still not the case (compilers provide experimental support for this and other new features in C++0x), so in this tutorial, I stick to the solid Boost library facilities. Still, C++ native regular expression facilities are very similar to (since they're based on) Boost's facilities, so what you learn from this tutorial will be useful when C++0x becomes official and compilers start supporting native regular expression facilities.

The approach of a simple name.find (", ") ! GeeksQuiz. Top 5 Linux Browsers! 7 Good Linux Recovering Tools For Linux/Windows/Mac machines. 1.Knoppix Knoppix is a bootable Live system on CD or DVD, consisting of a representative collection of GNU/Linux software, automatic hardware detection, and support for many graphics cards, sound cards, SCSI and USB devices and other peripherals.

7 Good Linux Recovering Tools For Linux/Windows/Mac machines

KNOPPIX can be used as a productive Linux system for the desktop, educational CD, rescue system, or adapted and used as a platform for commercial software product demos. 2.GParted Live. Using SCP On Linux: 7 Cool Tricks. Have Fun With Linux Command Line, Play These 5 Games Now! Perfect ways to become more productive Iam Architect.

Here Are Some Useful Ubuntu Commands You Must Know! Simple Programming Problems (SPOJ) HandoutG.pdf. Stochastic-I-MG-Intro.pdf. 10 Command Line Tools For Monitoring Your Linux System. Open CEV Talk_3: Data Structures- Segment Tree. Part 1 of Amrita Infosys Programming Contest Camp 2010. Programming Interviews: What are the best programming interview questions you've ever asked or been asked? How did Akshat Bubna become so good at programming? 10 Linux Commands For Finding Files And Directories. 1. find /-name file1 This command is used in order to search for a directory or file from the root system. 2. find /-user user1 This is a command that allows you to find files and directories that are owned by user1. 3. find / home/user1-name \ * bin This command helps you when you need to find files that have the .bin extension in the home/user1 directory. 4. find / usr / bin-type f-atime +100 This command is useful for finding the finally files that haven't been used in the last 100 days. 5. find / usr / bin-type f-mtime -10 This command works like the last one, but searches in the last 10 days. 6. find /-name \ * rpm-exec chmod 755 '{}' \; Use this command when you need to find and modify files with specific permissions.

A_0 = 1;y=1-x; a_1 = x*a_0 + y*a_2; a_2 = x*a_1 + y*a_3; a_3 = x*a_2+y*a_4; a_4 =x*a_3+y*a_5; a_5=x*a_4+y*a_6; a_6=0. The Smallest Pair. Problem WEIRDFN. Problem IITKWPCA. The niceness of a string s (s comprises of a-z, A-Z and space characters only) is calculated using steps given below. 1. First seperate out the string into continous non zero length string without space. eg.

Problem IITKWPCO. Little Feluda likes to play very much.


As you know he only plays with numbers. So he is given n numbers. Now tries to group the numbers into collections each containing two numbers. He can form the collection containing two numbers iff small number in the collection is exactly half of large number. Given n numbers, Find out how many maximum number of collections he can form ? Input T: number of test cases. (1 <= T <= 100). Problem JULKA. Julka surprised her teacher at preschool by solving the following riddle: Klaudia and Natalia have 10 apples together, but Klaudia has two apples more than Natalia.

Problem JULKA

How many apples does each of he girls have? Julka said without thinking: Klaudia has 6 apples and Natalia 4 apples. The teacher tried to check if Julka's answer wasn't accidental and repeated the riddle every time increasing the numbers. Every time Julka answered correctly. Task.


7 Commands That Can Replace GUIs For Certain Tasks! Dynamic Arrays: Using malloc() and realloc() - C/C++ Tutorials. Note: This tutorial uses pointers pretty heavily.

Dynamic Arrays: Using malloc() and realloc() - C/C++ Tutorials

If don't understand pointers, please read this tutorial before you go on. This has been bugging me for a little while, but I figured it out. I will share my knowledge to the rest of the world! Sphere Online Judge (SPOJ) - Problems. An A-Z Index of the Bash command line for Linux. Have Too Many Passwords? Try These 8 Managers For Linux To Remember Them All! 1.Gringotts Gringotts is a secure notes manager for Linux and other UNIX-like systems.

Have Too Many Passwords? Try These 8 Managers For Linux To Remember Them All!

It is based on libgringotts, which provides a backend for managing the data files on the disk. 2.Password Safe Whether the answer is one or hundreds, Password Safe allows you to safely and easily create a secured and encrypted user name/password list. With Password Safe all you have to do is create and remember a single "Master Password" of your choice in order to unlock and access your entire user name/password list. 3.Figaro's Password Manager.