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GMO Blue Roses

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The Disadvantages of Genetically Modified Roses. All organisms have DNA, which stores instructions for cell division to determine how an organism behaves. Scientists have found ways to alter this DNA to change the way plants grow, creating various plants with unusual properties. For example, in Japan, scientists have developed roses with blue petals. However, some individuals may find disadvantages with the genetically modified roses. Price Control Genetically modified plants sometimes become too expensive because the genetic engineers alter the plants in ways that prevent gardeners from harvesting the seeds and regrowing the plants, which allows the genetic engineers the ability to raise prices whenever they want. Customers might find the genetically modified roses too expensive. Overhype The debate over the superiority of genetically modified plants such as roses may be overhyped, and conventional growing techniques might work better than growing techniques using genetic engineering.

Purism Undesireable Effects Changed Soils Rose Nature. First Genetically Modified Blue rose. | Innovation Essence. Roses have been genetically modified to be blue. The blue colored rose is often portrayed in literature and art as a symbol of love and prosperity but it does not exist in nature due to genetic limitations. They have been available at florists in recent years but have only artificially been created by using various dying techniques to stain the petals of naturally white roses. A blue rose is a flower that presents blue-to-violet pigmentation instead of the more common red, white, or yellow. The Suntory roses are believed to be the first genetically-modified blue rose creations. Although this is described as a blue rose, it is lavender or pale mauve in color. Researchers used genetic modification these blue roses. They inserted a gene from the pansy into a purplish-red Old Garden rose. The genetic engineering involved three alterations – adding two genes, and interfering with another.

For more information please visit: White Roses | White Rose Bouquet - 48LongStems.