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History of video games (P.2) The 70s. And the ball was square... History of Video Games - The First Electronical Game Ever Made? The First "Electronic" Game Ever Made? Author: Based on an article by Ian Blake - with additions from museum´s curator The question was: Which was the first "electronic" game ever made? Please note: here we do not talk about Pong - we talk about the first electronic games that where created on early analog computers. The answer... Well, as a lot of things in life, there is no easy answer to that question. Without further ado, here are the "First Electronic Game Nominees" You see Dan Edwards and Peter Samson playing Spacewar! So there they are, the "First Electronic Game Nominees" In my humble opinion, I think all previously mentioned games were pioneers of its era, and must be credited as a group as the beginners of the video gaming revolution. Like Stephen Russell, creator of Spacewar!

Credits and sources Some images and information came from the following sources, in no particular order: Back to History index. Castaway. Sound Types. FindSounds Search the Web for Sounds What types of sounds can be found on the Web using FindSounds? Below is a partial list. Click on any link below to perform a search, or enter one or more words in the search box above and then click on the Search button. Animal Sounds alligator, baboon, bat, bear, bobcat, buffalo, bullfrog, camel, cat, cheetah, chimpanzee, chinchilla, chipmunk, cougar, cow, coyote, crocodile, deer, dinosaur, dog, dolphin, donkey, elephant, elk, ferret, fox, frog, gibbon, goat, gorilla, grizzly bear, guinea pig, hippo, horse, hyena, jaguar, kitten, lamb, lemur, leopard, lion, llama, marmot, monkey, moose, mouse, orca, panda, panther, pig, polar bear, prairie dog, puppy, rabbit, raccoon, rat, rattlesnake, rhinoceros, rodent, sea lion, seal, sheep, snake, squirrel, sugar glider, tiger, toad, whale, wolf, zebra Insect Sounds bee, cicada, cricket, insects, katydid, mosquito, wasp.

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