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Mes 6 plus grosses erreurs d’association. Après relecture, la liste d’erreurs est assez effrayante… Mais si elle peut aider certains à les éviter, je la partage !

Mes 6 plus grosses erreurs d’association

Je ne vise évidemment aucun de mes anciens associés, c’est bien moi qui ai fait les erreurs. 1) M’associer avec une personne parce que je ne me fais pas assez confiance pour y aller seul Cela m’est déjà arrivé au moins 2 fois… C’est dur d’y aller seul ! Alors j’ai souvent préféré partager le pouvoir. En effet, comment justifier que j’ai + de parts/actions alors qu’on a un parcours assez similaire, des compétences équivalentes et un apport en capital identique ? Dans ma première boîte, je me suis associé avec un bon copain de l’EM. 2) Ne pas connaître mes compétences… ni celles de mon associé ! Full Stack Marketing. Full Stack Marketing A few days ago, Marcelo Calbucci, had a great post in Geekwire about the lack of great marketing minds in startups.

Full Stack Marketing

For whatever reason marketing seems to be a second rate citizen in startup land. Most startups are sucking up as many engineers as possible, but delaying marketing help until after a significant funding round. And the startups that are trying to find marketing help tend to get inundated with “squishy b-school marketing” types rather than marketers that can traverse the full marketing stack. This lack of full stack marketers likely explains why most startups are waiting to hire marketing help. 16 Founder Stories Behind Famous Companies. 12 Surprising Signs You Could Be an Entrepreneur. Almost every article ever written about entrepreneurship suggests that it's not for everyone.

12 Surprising Signs You Could Be an Entrepreneur

And yet the articles go on to list attributes that many successful people possess as the traits commonly associated with great entrepreneurs, such as a strong work ethic, persistence, persuasiveness and discipline. For 25 years, I have studied entrepreneurs and discovered that what contributed to their incredible success was not what society typically considers assets. People like John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford and Oprah Winfrey didn't achieve greatness by possessing the traits and following the narrow path recommended by management gurus. So, don't believe everything others say about you or how they label you. 1. 2. Related: 6 Tips for Staying Supercharged 3. 4. 5 Mentors Every Entrepreneur Should Have. Image credit: Star Wars Editor's note: A version of this column previously appeared at

5 Mentors Every Entrepreneur Should Have

Entrepreneur. It's a tough word -- both to spell and to call yourself. Being an entrepreneur brings with it a love of leaping head first into the unknown. Life-long entrepreneurs love new challenges, and live their lives in a constant growth phase. I've been fortunate to have a variety of mentors over the years, and I can't imagine standing where I am if it wasn't for them. I also think it's important that mentors come from many different perspectives, as mine have. Related: Taking Advice: It Isn't What You Ask, It's Whom You Ask 1. For instance, when I go back home to the East Coast, my friends ask me about everything except tech and business. Startup Founders and Entrepreneurs: What separates the top 10% of startup CEOs from the rest.

- Gust Blog. Google's Larry Page image via A while back, when a startup founder mentioned to me that he wasn’t sure he had the personality to be an entrepreneur, I realized how important that insight was.

- Gust Blog

My first thought is that if you are more annoyed than energized by expert advice, team suggestions, and customer input, then you should probably avoid this line of work. Actually, it’s more complicated than that, but that’s a good start. After working with entrepreneurs for more than a decade, I have developed a good “radar” to quickly recognize mentalities that will likely pass the test of investors, employees, and customers. But it’s easier for me to look in from the outside than it is for you to look out. You enjoy being the visionary leader. Startup life 1 : Les idées n'ont de valeur que réalisées. Offre de job : startup innovante recherche son esclave commercial / marketeux. Qui sommes nous ? SocialLol 3.0 est une plateforme de réseau social nouvelle génération qui a pour vocation de rapidement devenir internationale. Le service propose des interactions originales entre ses membres, et encourage les hommes et les femmes à faire ce que font les hommes et les femmes depuis que le monde est monde : copuler après avoir dépensé un maximum d’argent en parade amoureuse.

SocialLol a été sélectionné pour rejoindre le Bullshit Institute, un programme dispensé par des mecs qui pensent que le social est devenu le meilleur moyen de devenir milliardaire sans se fatiguer. Le Fondateur Jean-Kevin, 15 ans (@anonymous, diplômé du W3C et de la W3School), jeune et dynamique développeur, est passionné par le HTML5, CSS3 et Javascript. Le Poste.


How to make failure sustainable (and career entrepreneurship possible) I’ve done nothing for the past 5 years but drive companies out of business.

How to make failure sustainable (and career entrepreneurship possible)

Through doing so, I’ve learned how to make failure sustainable. Career entrepreneurship isn’t viable if you’re forced to return to a full-time job after every slip-up. Upside versus downside A few years ago, I would have claimed that the definition of an entrepreneur is someone who maximises upside and ignores downside. But focusing completely on upside just means your startup career is destined to be either brief (first-time failure you can’t recover from) or lucky (first-time success)[1]. Instead, I want as much upside as is feasible while still paying for my life. Entrepreneurs, avez-vous vraiment besoin d’un CTO ? Schumpeter: In praise of misfits. Leadership. Psychology: Why are some people more resilient than others. Management.