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But The Kids Aren’t Reading – 20 Ideas for Creating Passionate Reading Environments. So many of us are trying to create passionate reading environments, we are doing all the things the experts tell us to do, and yet, something just isn’t clicking. Some kids are reading sure, but they would probably be reading any way, others though, not so much. Our passionate reading environments are just not working for all of our kids. When I moved from 5th to 7th I knew I would be up against a challenge, after all, I had seen the slow decline of reading in my 5th graders and was pretty sure it would continue as they got older. And I was right, by 7th graders some of my students are not just disliking books, some really hate reading. And they are vocal about it! Invested in books. Diversity in books. Easy access to our books.

Giving choice. Free abandonment. Leaving time to talk books. Teacher recommendations. Student recommendations. The To-Be-Read List. It is judgment free. Celebrating the re-read. No need for speed. Protecting independent reading time. Let them order books. Phonics Activities, Learn to Read, for Preschool, Kindergarten, First Grade, 2nd Grade.

Fun Reading Comprehension Games for Kids - Free Activities & Practice Exercises Online.