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Video: How to Make Roses Out of Duct Tape. This Guy's Portal Gun Actually Works, Turns His House Into a Test Chamber. Not necessarily, once he flew into the air all of his earlier momentum was slowed, then halted, by gravity, then it was simply a matter of falling from that height... he would have gone very high up, but on his way down I don't think he would reach terminal velocity again (napkin math tells me it would be less, but I don't know how much less).

Even if it were substantially less, it *would* have killed him anyway, *if* all of that force was directed toward the Earth when he landed, but as soon as he went through the last portal, all of that gravity was transferred into horizontal force, and (like a bullet) he would have fallen to Earth no faster than if you dropped a baseball.

That said, in the video it looks like he slammed into that fence, so... The solution would've been to put two portals on the ground and wait for gravity to slow his velocity as he fell up and down through both. Of course, I imagine that the shifting gravity would cause you to vomit. That section had a few problems... A Huge List of Cool Stuff :: I' Make an Airsoft Machine Gun from a Soda Bottle. Several months ago I posted a project showing how to make a 'cloud' BB machine gun with a built in air supply out of PVC. That project, while very entertaining, cost $50 in parts and took several hours to complete.

More recently I have resumed experimenting with BB machine gun designs with the goal of making them as inexpensive and easy to build as possible. The model that is made in the above video can be assembled in under 5 minutes, uses only four parts, and costs a total of about $15. If you have not seen my previous BB machine gun project you can take a look at it by clicking This Link. This airsoft gun is a bullpup design, meaning that the pellets enter the barrel from behind the trigger. Parts Required: Please remember as always to share this article with others on Facebook and Twitter, and if you really want to support my projects, submit this article to other sharing sites sites such as Reddit and Digg.

Until next time, -NH. 31 Insanely Easy And Clever DIY Projects.

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This file has annotations. Save To modify annotations, your browser needs to have the XMLHttpRequest object. [[MediaWiki talk:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js|Adding image note]]$1 [[MediaWiki talk:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js|Changing image note]]$1 [[MediaWiki talk:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js|Removing image note]]$1. The Top 10 Relationship Words That Aren't Translatable Into English | Marriage 3.0. Here are my top ten words, compiled from online collections, to describe love, desire and relationships that have no real English translation, but that capture subtle realities that even we English speakers have felt once or twice. As I came across these words I’d have the occasional epiphany: “Oh yeah!

That’s what I was feeling...” Mamihlapinatapei (Yagan, an indigenous language of Tierra del Fuego): The wordless yet meaningful look shared by two people who desire to initiate something, but are both reluctant to start. Oh yes, this is an exquisite word, compressing a thrilling and scary relationship moment. It’s that delicious, cusp-y moment of imminent seduction. Neither of you has mustered the courage to make a move, yet. Hands haven’t been placed on knees; you’ve not kissed.

Yuanfen (Chinese): A relationship by fate or destiny. From what I glean, in common usage yuanfen means the "binding force" that links two people together in any relationship. Ya’aburnee (Arabic): “You bury me.” Typographer's Glossary. 37 Fantastic Free Fonts for Web and Graphic Design. It’s quite difficult to be a designer, because it’s the creative profession and inspiration is often lost.

There is no the “right” working mood and a lot of other external factors. And when such a mood appears, it turns out that you have not enough the tools in order to create the greatest design ever and to implement the ideas you’ve got. Just imagine you have no fonts for the new mock up. Fonts needed for any kind of web project, whether it’s photographer’s portfolio or business website, even for the publications you need fonts. I spent a lot of time, browsing the internet in order to find free and high-quality fonts. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1980 Portable Regular Font 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

Deep Designer’s Game Do you know that a game with fonts for the designers already exist? Enjoy! I’m a copywriter. - Your Guide To The Gods.