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Annuaire (allemand) V e r e i n e u n d V e r b ä n d e Die Weitwanderwege in Europa werden in den allermeisten Fällen von Vereinen und Verbänden angelegt und gepflegt.

Annuaire (allemand)

Ohne deren unermüdlichen Tätigkeiten müssten wir Weitwanderer uns jeden Weg selbst suchen. Außerdem bieten sie vielmals auch Unterkünfte für Weitwanderer an, genau so, wie es die Jugendherbergen und Naturfreunde gewohnt sind zu tun. Weitere Unterkunftsverzeichnisse findest Du auf der Seite "Verzeichnisse" / "Diverse Unterkunftsverzeichnisse" und den "Fremdenverkehrsämtern". Wanderverbände und Alpine Vereine Europäische Wanderverbände. FERP - EURORANDO 2011: Frontpage. Fédération Française de la Randonnée Pédestre. Fédération du Club Vosgien / Accueil. Accueil , Club Alpin Francais - Fédération française des clubs alpins et de montagne. Site officiel de la Fédération Française de la Montagne et de l’Escalade (FFME)


Autriche - Oesterreichischer Alpenverein. Wege In diesem Register finden Sie alle Infos zu den 10 österreichischen Weitwanderwegen.

Autriche - Oesterreichischer Alpenverein

Infos zu den länderüberschreitenden Europäischen Fernwandwerwegen Hier finden Sie Infos zu allen Mehrtageswandertouren in Österreich. Belgique - Accueil - Les Sentiers de Grande Randonnée Asbl. Croatie - Hrvatski planinarski savez. Danemark - Dansk Vandrelaug.


Finlande. The Outdoor Association of Finland Suomen Latu – the Outdoor Association of Finland – is a promoter of outdoor activities, an expert in hiking and an organisation which is open to all.


There are already more than 78 000 members – children, teenagers, single people, families, adults, seniors – who are active in more than 200 member associations. The main objective of Suomen Latu has always been to increase Finnish people’s interest in exercise as well as developing possibilities for outdoor, conditioning and recreational exercise. Nowadays guarding everyman’s right has become more and more important. Suomen Latu and its member associations have a vision that Suomen Latu is known as an established expert in outdoor activities and hiking, and as an open-to-all citizens’ organization advocating the cause of all outdoor enthusiasts.

In the future, According to Mr. Although Suomen Latu mainly works in Finland, since 1997 steps towards becoming an INGO has been taken.

Grande Bretagne

Grèce - Ελληνική Ομοσπονδία Ορειβασίας Αναρρίχησης. Mountaineering Ireland. In Primo Piano : FIE Italia. Chiusura Estiva Escursionismo Marcia Sci Powered by <a href=" target="_blank">SlideDeck WordPress Slider</a>

In Primo Piano : FIE Italia

Ramblers' Association Malta. L'association norvégienne de la randonnée. Pays Bas - Wandelnet - Startpunt voor wandelend Nederland. Pologne - Strona Główna PTTK. Portugal. Serbie - Planinarski Savez Srbije. Slovenie - Planinska zveza Slovenije. Suède. KČT - Czech Tourist Klub (KČT) Czech hiking symbols The history of the Czech Tourist Club dates back to the year 1888, when the club was founded by a group of patriots around Vojta Náprstek.

KČT - Czech Tourist Klub (KČT)

Today it has around 40 thousand members, youth creates almost one quarter of this number. The foundations of walking in the Czech Republic were laid down by the Czech Tourist Club over 100 years ago. An extensive network of hiking trails was created and marked out by hundreds of club members. This excellent net - 40 000 km - of well-marked and well-connected, Czech hiking trails is the legacy of their work. Czech Hiking Symbols In addition to walking in the beautiful historical cities, there are a great number of hiking paths and scenery-rich trails going through the Czech Republic's forests and natural areas.

In fact it is probably the best maintained system of marking in Europe. Hiking symbols in terrain, photo archiv These maps are based on military maps and are very precise. Czech Walking Maps Stretch your legs and take a hike.