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Richard Harris


Latin Ode to the London Olympics (contributed by Bijan Omrani) – The Classical Anthology. This Latin Ode to the London Olympics is written in Sapphics in imitation of Horace’s Carmen Saeculare.

Latin Ode to the London Olympics (contributed by Bijan Omrani) – The Classical Anthology

Horace’s original was written in honour of the Secular Games (Ludi Saeculares) a grand spectacle which was held in Rome in 17 BC, and was therefore the perfect model for Latin verses on the modern Olympics. These verses do not pun on athletes’ names as with Armand D’Angour’s Greek Pindarics, but do contain an allusion to the modern Olympic motto of “Citius, Altius, Fortius” (Faster, higher, stronger). The orginal was composed to be sung by a choir of 27 youths and 27 virgins.


Self-Help. Phaser. Serpentine Running Club - Advice - Twelve things you should know about marathon training. Here is a blue-print schedule for an athlete wishing to run a 3 hour 3min 24sec marathon (7 minute/mile).

Serpentine Running Club - Advice - Twelve things you should know about marathon training

Times for faster or slower targets can be worked out from the figures given earlier. Day 1 – Build up to run for 3 hours at 8 minute/mile (22 miles). Start with 1 hour and add 10 min per cycle. Day 2 – 35 min recovery run (5) Day 3 – Half-marathon pace – Run 10 miles at 6min 45 second/mile (10) Day 4 – 35 min recovery run (5) Day 5 – Marathon rehearsal pace – Run 9 miles in 63 min. My Secret Atheist Blog: fsial. You can read all of the articles in this series by clicking here: Freethinkers and Skeptics In Ancient Literature Unlike the character I covered in the last instalment of this series, Homer's Thersites, Lucian was a real person who starred in his own satirical works, written in Greek for an upper-class Roman audience back in the second-century common era.

My Secret Atheist Blog: fsial



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