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An Intuitive (and Short) Explanation of Bayes’ Theorem. Bayes’ theorem was the subject of a detailed article. The essay is good, but over 15,000 words long — here’s the condensed version for Bayesian newcomers like myself: Tests are not the event. We have a cancer test, separate from the event of actually having cancer. We have a test for spam, separate from the event of actually having a spam message.Tests are flawed. Bayes’ theorem converts the results from your test into the real probability of the event. Correct for measurement errors. Anatomy of a Test The article describes a cancer testing scenario: 1% of women have breast cancer (and therefore 99% do not).80% of mammograms detect breast cancer when it is there (and therefore 20% miss it).9.6% of mammograms detect breast cancer when it’s not there (and therefore 90.4% correctly return a negative result).

Put in a table, the probabilities look like this: How do we read it? 1% of people have cancerIf you already have cancer, you are in the first column. How Accurate Is The Test? Bayes’ Theorem. Redes online. 10 plataformas para realizar cursos online gratuitos. La Red se ha convertido en un lugar propicio para la enseñanza, que ofrece una flexibilidad muy valorada en los estudios. Además, existen múltiples plataformas que ofertan cursos online gratuitos. Internet ha abierto múltiples puertas a la formación a distancia, permitiendo tener contacto con profesores, enviar trabajos para su evaluación o hacer un seguimiento de las clases con herramientas web. Ni qué decir tiene, no sólo los centros tradicionales de enseñanza se han beneficiado de estas posibilidades y hoy en día se ofertan una gran variedad de cursos online gratuitos o de pago.

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