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Flying with Brompton

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Flying with your Brompton folding bike. How to Take a Brompton on a Plane as Checked Baggage - Our Life Unfolded. Although we pretty much exclusively carry the Bromptons on these days and put them in the overhead compartment these days, we used to like to check them as baggage when we traveled.

How to Take a Brompton on a Plane as Checked Baggage - Our Life Unfolded

The fee for checking your bike on a US Domestic flight can be up to $150 each way – actually bikes are not even allowed on some flights – but we have never paid a bike fee when traveling with our Bromptons or had any arguments when checking them because we packed them into standard size suitcases. The Basics: A folded Brompton (with the seat removed) fits snugly into a Samsonite Lift 29’’ suitcaseRemove hinges for travel and pad any sharp/protruding bits to protect the bike and your suitcaseProvided that you are below the airline’s maximum weight, there shouldn’t be any additional fees for checking your bike as luggage. A Samsonite suitcase will fit both a folded Brompton and the majority of our other packable items. To pack the bike, first remove the seat. EasyJet Bike Experiences (Bicycle Charges and Policies) On this page we attempt to make available the experience of individual bicycle tourists who have travelled with EasyJet (you can share your experiences here).

EasyJet Bike Experiences (Bicycle Charges and Policies)

Flying Easyjet with bikes We have flown all over Europe by Easyjet with our tandem boxed. Easyjet cold not be more helpful as long as you can demonstrate that you're following their clear requirements (boxed, 32kg max). We make a long box from two normal bike delivery boxes and parcel tape, with length able to accommodate the length of tandem without wheels. Dismantled bits are stored with padding around the frame. Wkb21, February 20, 2012 Bike damaged by easyjet I have just flown from London to Basel with easyjet and they crushed my bike.

Steve Hawkswell, September 07, 2011. Packing the Bromptons for Air Travel. Last weekend we did a test pack to make sure everything we needed for our Cuba trip fit in our O-Bags and rolled-up B-Bags.

Packing the Bromptons for Air Travel

This weekend it’s go time – packing the Bromptons for the plane. I scoured the Internet for info about packing one’s Brompton for air travel. Most bloggers took numerous precautious – taking off parts (clamps, seat, air pump, pedals), wrapping the bike in sheets/bubble-wrap/foam/cardboard, duct taping moving parts, et cetera. Then again, there are only a few – not hundreds – of blogs about flying with Bromptons. Perhaps only the paranoid blog about it? So we asked Eric at Curbside Cycle, who has traveled lots with his own Brompton. We heeded Eliessar’s advice and the most common tips from other bloggers.

Flying With A Brompton Bike As A Carry-On — BOBBY MAGILL. I bought a Brompton folding bike in April because I was tired of the hassle of riding the NYC subway, and MetroNorth, which I ride south down the Hudson River from Westchester County, only allows folding bikes on the train during rush hour.

Flying With A Brompton Bike As A Carry-On — BOBBY MAGILL

So for me, the ultimate sense of freedom in NYC is riding the Brompton. Last week, I took my Brompton out to Colorado. My partner, Jacob, and I drove out to Denver, then spent six days visiting friends in Denver and Fort Collins. The Legend of the Brompton Bumble B: Review: The "Bee" Travel Bag. Well many of you know how much the Legend & I love black and yellow.

The Legend of the Brompton Bumble B: Review: The "Bee" Travel Bag

An idea came to me one day when I saw people commenting that to travel on the EuroStar as you have to carry your Brompton in a travel bag of some kind due to the rules. Well I could easily get a IKEA bag which is the perfect size or an official Brompton Travel Bag but you know the legend, he always wants to be understated. *shakes head* So I asked the very good and talented friend Valeria Lopes (Valeria's Bike Accessories) to see what we could come up with for the Legend. What can I say Valeria came up with this.... Yeah your eyes are not playing tricks on you but yes a black and yellow striped travel bag for BBB. As always the build quality is second to none and its made from the same tough wearing material with the other black and yellow items she has made for us. The tough material made carrying BBB over my shoulder really easy. AhPek Biker - Old Dog Rides Again: Brompton Accessories #15 - Packing The Brompton For Air Travel 02.

AhPek Biker - Riding Adventures Travelling with the Brompton to other places by air is great!

AhPek Biker - Old Dog Rides Again: Brompton Accessories #15 - Packing The Brompton For Air Travel 02

But one has to be careful on how to pack it and protect the more sensitive or "protruding" ends. Many use hard cases or semi-hard cases; but if you are ending your cycling tour at a point other than your start point, these hard cases are going to be a problem carrying around on the bike. Sightseer - the Foldable Travel Set for Brompton – Vincita Co., Ltd. Sightseer B132B Transport bag Sightseer is designed especially for the Brompton folding bicycle.

Sightseer - the Foldable Travel Set for Brompton – Vincita Co., Ltd.

It is a compact, lightweight, self-assembling solution for air travel. Smallwheelsbigsmile: Vincita Sightseer Brompton Bag first review. First thing first and to get it out of the way.

smallwheelsbigsmile: Vincita Sightseer Brompton Bag first review

The bags were provided by Vincita for my review and I did not buy them. They have asked that I do a review and share my thoughts on their bags. They also very kindly sponsored a set of B132B and B206 garment bag to readers of Smallwheelsbigsmile. I will select one lucky reader who will share on their ideal travel adventure on a Brompton using this bags. Leave your comments on the blog entry. Cycling in a foreign land is one of the coolest and nicest thing to do to see a country.

The Dirty Brompton: B&W was the case that they gave me. I took another trip to Portapedal yesterday to take care of a couple of things.

The Dirty Brompton: B&W was the case that they gave me

First was to take care of my 100-mile service to make adjustments to the Brommie as cables stretch and other things break in. Everything looked pretty good, but then they took a look at my tires. They noticed about half a dozen thorns and a piece of wire in my treads, along with the tell-tale sign of sealant. Thank god for Flat Attack! I ride along some gnarly terrain!

Amazon. Amazon.