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Souvenirs du net

Facebook Twitter Un nouveau guide Internet. Voyage en Internet. Internet, au foisonnement presque déraisonnable, est d'abord un lieu de rencontre sans hiérarchie. En fait, c'est la contribution de chacun qui est appréciée, discutée, critiquée et non son titre ou sa fonction. Le réseau des réseaux Cette volonté de se mettre en réseau et la simplicité de rapports, que la rédaction électronique suppose et induit, gagnent le milieu professionnel français : j'en veux pour signe la détermination de certaines grandes institutions comme le Conseil supérieur des bibliothèques, la Bibliothèque de France, l'Ecole polytechnique, la Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Paris - et le Centre Benjamin Franklin - à se brancher sur « le réseau des réseaux », et aussi la forte détermination des pionniers de l'Urfist 1, au premier rang desquels figure Anne Sanouillet qui vient d'animer à Nice Sophia-Antipolis une journée de formation et de réaliser un précieux micro-guide d'Internet 2.

Le courrier du troisième type Un collège invisible Enfin, G. NCSA Mosaic. NCSA’s mission is to enable discovery—to provide the resources, tools, and expert support that fuel ground-breaking research in science and engineering. Everything we do, everything we are, drives us toward that goal. The Blue Waters project, supported by the National Science Foundation, makes one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers in the world available for compute-intensive and data-intensive research. Scientists and engineers from across the country can tap the power of Blue Waters to advance our knowledge of severe storms, earthquakes, interactions of molecules, the formation of galaxies, and much more.

NCSA also leads NSF’s Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), which unites skilled staff and powerful resources across the country. While Blue Waters and XSEDE are available to researchers across the United States, there are also resources provided specifically for faculty, staff, and students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Netscape ISP Homepage. The Web may have won, but Gopher tunnels on. Gopher n. 1. Any of various short tailed, burrowing mammals of the family Geomyidae, of North America. 2. (Amer. colloq.) Native or inhabitant of Minnesota: the Gopher State. 3. (Amer. colloq.) One who runs errands, does odd-jobs, fetches or delivers documents for office staff. 4.

(computer tech.) software following a simple protocol for burrowing through a TCP/IP internet. -From RFC 1436 describing Gopher Minnesota is not a proud place—how else to explain the fact that it voluntarily bills itself the "Gopher State" and has as its main university mascot an appallingly bucktoothed rodent known as a "golden gopher"? So it was no surprise that when University of Minnesota researchers developed an early protocol for organizing and sharing documents over the Internet, they named it "gopher. " According to the RFC, gopher was designed as a client-server protocol running over TCP/IP. It was also on the way out pretty quickly. Attempts to improve Gopher did little to stop the weaving of the Web.