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Mbed mini project - Arduino Remote Weather Sensor | mbed. Mbed mini project - Arduino Remote Weather Sensor Page last updated 16 Oct 2013, by Hitesh Patel. 0 replies Description For Lab 3, we decided to do a mini design project with an Arduino Uno microcontroller board. The Arduino is used as a remote/outside weather device. The 2 devices connect over an ad hoc network using a WiFly interface. Components mbed LPC1768 Arduino Uno WiFly Module LCD Display I/O Expander Phidgets 1125 Temperature/Humidity Sensor Arduino The Arduino is placed at a remote location for temperature and humidity sensing with the Phidgets 1125 sensor attached. WiFiHQ Library for Arduino Uno The temperature sensor is connected to pin 0, and humidity to pin 1.

Arduino Code to send data to mbed The Arduino code creates a local TCP connection to the mbed and sends the adjusted analog temperature and humidity data so that it can be printed to the LCD Display. mbed The mbed is connected directly to a WiFly module and an LCD Display module. Pinout for LCD Display in code below: Report. DIY Home Automation Using Twilio, PowerSwitch, Arduino, and Pusher – Twilio Cloud Communications Blog.

Need a primer? Take the Twilio SMS Docs for a spin here You may have seen my recent blog post about building a Phone-controlled Robot using Twilio. Since then, I’ve had ideas for new Twilio + Arduino mashups pouring in from the community. Today is the second post in our new series of Twilio Hardware mashups – build your own home automation solution using Twilio SMS, PowerSwitch, Arduino, and PusherApp. Last week I left the A/C in my apartment on while at work. All day, I was wishing I had remembered to turn it off for the sake of my electric bill. Lucky for me, Al Gore invented the Internet (100% better than ARPANET for home automation).

First off, here is a video of the final, working version of the project (I recommend watching it in 1080P so you can see the debug console output): When you finish this tutorial, you will be able to turn on and off a power outlet using Twilio SMS or a simple web application. The Parts The Hardware Step 1: Plug the Wireless SD Shield into your Arduino.

Qwant. Wifi Module for Arduino and Raspberry Pi "Roving RN-XVee" 1. Connecting the Wifi module Go to index Connection in Arduino Connect the Wifi module to XBEE shield module as shown in the picture. Then connect the XBEE shield to Arduino as shown in the picture. Connection in Raspberry Pi Connect the Wifi module to Raspberry Pi connection bridge as shown in the picture. 2. The first thing we are going to do with the module is to check the basic commands in gateway mode. You can check all the commands in the user manual . Entering command mode in Arduino To enter in command mode, open Serial Monitor in Arduino IDE and type “$$$”, (IMPORTANT: There is no carriage return after $$$, so select "No line ending" for this command, later change it to "Both NL&CR" for the next commands).

Entering command mode in Raspberry Pi To stablish UART connection with the module you can use several programs as cutecom in Raspbian graphical environment or minicom in a terminal window in order to use it via SSH. Let's check some commands set wlan phrase YOUR_PASSWORD 3. Arduino CNC Shield – 100% GRBL Compatable | Do it yourself CNC projects are popping up everywhere and we decided that we wanted to contribute to the growth. Here are a few of our design goals: Modular Design – We wanted to do more than just keep cost down. We wanted things to be reusable and up-gradable. (Arduino , Individual Stepper Motor Drivers and more…)Compact Design – Squeezing a 4 axis design into a board the same size and Arduino Uno.Opensource Software – 100% GRBL compatible (G-Code Interpreter)Evolving Development – We are keen to improve on the design and welcome all feedback.

Arduino CNC Shield V3.10 – GRBL v0.9 compatible (PWM Spindle + Soft limits) Arduino CNC Shield V3.00 Arduino CNC Shield V2.00 Availability If you are interested in updates please add your email address to the following mailing list and we will send you more details as the shield develops. Arduino CNC Shield – Mailing List Board Layout The following image displays the functionality of the Arduino pins as used by GRBL. GRBL Pin Layout Extra pins: Versions. [Test] Wifly Shield (shield wifi arduino) Salut à tous ! Aujourd’hui je vais vous parler de la wifly shield, la shield wifi de sparkfun. Comme on peut si attendre la wifly shield est une shield permettant d’ajouter une connexion wifi à son arduino.

Cette shield est basé sur un module wifly RN-131G de Roving et d’un petit CI SPI/UART pour la communication arduino/wifly. La librairie arduino est encore en cours de développement mais elle est déja utilisable en l’état. Alors soit je doit vraiment être une quiche, soit il y a un probléme. Car je n’est pas réussi à atteindre le débit théorique de 490Ko/s affiché dans le datasheet du module SPI/UART et du Wifly … J’ai fait quelque test, avec le transfert « bulk », sans transfert « bulk », avec un diviseur SPI de 2 au lieu de 4 avec un transfert par buffer … J’ai tenté tout ce que je pouvait tenter sans résultat, et j’ai obtenu un maximum de 18Ko/s … Je ne sais pas, est ce moi qui n’est pas réussi mon coup ou est ce le module wifly qui bug ? Electronique - PCDuino - Planète Domotique.