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Freaks of Occupy

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» Occupy Wall Street Rapes: How Many More Victims? - Big Government. » Question for #Occupy San Francisco: Why Are You Naked? (A Photo Essay) - Big Government.

Sexual assault

Drug use. Protesters flocking to STD-test clinics after Occupy Wall Street “free love” It’s the Autumn of Love! Occupy Wall Street protesters are flocking to nearby health clinics for STD and HIV testing after getting their freak on in ’60s-style hookups with crusty strangers, sources told The Post yesterday. “Last week was free love,” said a medical professional at a clinic located a short walk from Zuccotti Park, referring to the number of people who organizers have referred for sexually transmitted disease testing. A volunteer at the park admitted concern among protesters about STDs.

“We give directions to clinics if people ask for information regarding STDs,” said the volunteer, who identified himself only as “Captain” and added that pregnancy tests are also a hot item. “Like anything else, it happens. People ask, and we do the best we can for them.” Volunteers at the medical tent hand out cash, usually $15 or $20, so the randy radicals can visit clinics that cater to a low-income clientele, the source said. Experts said it’s the right thing to do. » #OccupyMilwaukee Protester Yells Inside Bank: ‘This Is a Hostile Takeover!’ - Big Government.

Let's talk about something important! I must admit, as I watched this video without any context, I thought the long-haired lady who got the bulk of airtime in this video was actually one of the Occupy Wall Street protesters. She seemed to fit right in. Perhaps that's why the real protesters left her alone. Any inclination they may have had to shut her down was likely suppressed by how truthful her message seemed to be.

There were probably some in the crowd who wished she had more nuance but she essentially captures the essence of the protests. Her name is Kelley Lynn and she is a comedienne who infiltrated the OWS protests for Opie and Anthony. Be sure to watch until the very end. H/t Fox Nation. » Obama, Lawless Protesters Embrace Each Other - Big Government.