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Songs of Faith

Self Harm -Living In The Shadows. Occupy movement. Trayvon Case. 9/11. Building A Comp. The Constitution Condones Slavery? It should be understood that if the Founders had failed to organize the states into a union, slavery would have continued unabated -- certainly in the South, and perhaps in the North as well.

The Constitution Condones Slavery?

Once the conventional representatives decided to satisfy both the Northern and the Southern states with two houses of Congress, the question then became which "inhabitants" of each state would be counted for purposes of representation in the House of Representatives. The Northern states insisted that only free citizens of each state be counted for purposes of apportionment in the House. The Southern states, wanting to garner as much power and influence in the new government as possible, argued that all people within their borders, whether free or not, be counted for purposes of apportionment. This was a deadly serious impasse. Two compromises were made.

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