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When you see it… Dafuq is that? Comics. Cat gets caught barking by a human and resumes meowing. Fist-bump.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x326 pixels) Behind the LOLcat: Schrodinger’s LOLcat | Geek Friendly. A few days ago, I was listening to a podcast lecture on the basics of quantum cryptography when I got into a discussion about the nitty-gritty of the subject with my friend Justin . … dantekgeek: exponential on a regular computer, but reasonable time on a quantum computer, right? Justinwick: Right right justinwick: assuming ur in ur quantum computerz, giving them enuff qbitz dantekgeek: hahahaha justinwick: justinwick: schrodinger’s lolcat … I quickly searched flickr for a suitable image, and came across Kevin Steele’s fantastic “a box for every cat.” Some quick work in Skitch , and Schrodinger’s lolcat was born. I figured my circle of friends would get a kick out of it, and that maybe it would be picked up by BoingBoing, but could never have predicted the amount of exposure my little creation has received.

Others had the idea long before I came across it, but for whatever reason, it was my LOLcat which gets all the glory. LOLcat #1407: cat power lyrics, the black cat, British Longhair, Havana Brown, cat sitting,