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15 Cose da Sacrificare per Essere Felice. 8 Ways to Stop Over-Thinking and Find Peace in the Present Moment. We all do our best to stay positive, but occasionally we can slip into negative thinking patterns that can wreak havoc on our lives.

8 Ways to Stop Over-Thinking and Find Peace in the Present Moment

We might worry about our past mistakes or current stresses, and how these could lead to negative outcomes in the future. We might obsess about or over-analyze regular experiences and interactions, reading into them things that aren’t actually there. We might find that as soon as one bad thing happens, we associate it with all the other bad things that have happened in our lives and begin to feel miserable. We might feel anxious in the present, having a hard time getting out of our own heads as we worry and obsess about the things that could go wrong. Talks to watch when you don't know what to do with your life. 22 abitudini che renderanno la tua vita quotidiana un po' più serena 


22 abitudini che renderanno la tua vita quotidiana un po' più serena 

Getta via, vendi o regala tutto ciò di cui non hai davvero bisogno. Segui questa guida al minimalismo per aiutarti a decidere che cosa ci sia di troppo fra tutti quegli oggetti che conservi. Se c'è qualcosa che potrà servire a liberarti immediatamente dalla tua ansia, riuscendo a metterti a tuo agio, sarà proprio il fatto di compiere la scelta di conservare esclusivamente quegli oggetti che svolgono una loro precisa funzione, oppure quelli che, ai tuoi occhi, rivestono in sé un significato positivo. 2.

Pianifica tutto ciò che fai. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 11 easy psychological tricks that you can use them everyday for your advantage, without being noticed. Il cervello si può allenare alla felicità in questi 3 modi. Gli esercizi studiati dagli psicologi di Harvard. 18 Ways You’re Making Your Life Harder Than It Has To Be. “Life is not complex.

18 Ways You’re Making Your Life Harder Than It Has To Be

We are complex. Life is simple, and the simple thing is the right thing.” ―Oscar Wilde. 11 Mistakes You Make At Work Every. Single. Day. You might think the “perfect employee” works around the clock, constantly checks email and never takes a break or goes on vacation.

11 Mistakes You Make At Work Every. Single. Day.

But it turns out this perception is all wrong. In fact, the most successful people tend to know when to switch off, kick back, and refocus their energy. So whether you’re angling for a raise, a promotion or just a few kind words from your boss, here are a few common workplace mistakes you should quickly correct. Your employer will appreciate your newfound productivity, and so will you. 1. Even if your boss lets you set your own schedule, you should still aim to get to work early. Come Riconoscere Una Persona Autoritaria. 1512728_444337519030183_1789988146_n.jpg (403×403) Why Overthinking Is The Root Of All Your Problems. You know when someone says something that resonates with you to your very core?

Why Overthinking Is The Root Of All Your Problems

It can be a passing comment, a token of advice or just a statement, but it stays with you long past that person’s presence? Well, someone once told me in a state of my own sorrow and agony that, “the only thing that makes it a thing is that you keep thinking about it.” It was a simple phrase, one that doesn’t seem to have much weight to it, but it changed everything for me. That phrase is one of those special tokens of wisdom that went on to define the way I looked at life and kept my sanity. To this day, I find myself repeating it whenever something goes wrong, whenever my mind has a moment to delve into the back hole of regrets and disappointments.

Whenever I find myself consciously drifting into a state of self hatred and utter despair, I remember this phrase and repeat it like a tribal chant until the truth of it expels everything else. Sitting is Killing You. The 14 Habits of Highly Miserable People. Photo Credit: Most of us claim we want to be happy—to have meaningful lives, enjoy ourselves, experience fulfillment, and share love and friendship with other people and maybe other species, like dogs, cats, birds, and whatnot.

The 14 Habits of Highly Miserable People

Strangely enough, however, some people act as if they just want to be miserable, and they succeed remarkably at inviting misery into their lives, even though they get little apparent benefit from it, since being miserable doesn’t help them find lovers and friends, get better jobs, make more money, or go on more interesting vacations. Why do they do this? After perusing the output of some of the finest brains in the therapy profession, I’ve come to the conclusion that misery is an art form, and the satisfaction people seem to find in it reflects the creative effort required to cultivate it. Just Knowing These 8 Facts Will Make You Way More Productive. Whether trying to conquer Mount Everest or just pick up your laundry, learning these quick facts will make it easier to be super productive -- or at least understand why you're not.

Just Knowing These 8 Facts Will Make You Way More Productive

And if you're the type of person who is likely procrastinate instead of reading the rest of this article, then you should at least read the first point. 1. Simply starting a task will make it much easier to finish. According to the Zeigarnik Effect, your brain will send signals that effectively nag your conscious mind when you've started, but not finished, an objective. Bluma Zeigarnik was a Soviet psychologist who first developed the theory that humans are naturally driven to finish what they've started, due to a dissonance they feel when tasks are begun and then left incomplete. In 1992, a pair of psychologists proved this theory in a study on task interruption. 2. 3. 4. Google. Facebook. 75 soluzioni facili e geniali per semplificarsi la vita! Se esistesse una bacchetta magica per risolvere tutti i problemi che quotidianamente ingarbugliano la nostra giornata, sicuramente saremmo tutti più felici e sereni.

75 soluzioni facili e geniali per semplificarsi la vita!

La cattiva notizia – ahinoi – è che nessuno mai è stato in grado di inventare un attrezzo del genere. La buona notizia è che esistono tanti facili trucchetti che possono eliminare del tutto quei piccoli e fastidiosissimi inconvenienti che in qualche modo ci complicano l’esistenza procurandoci più stress di quello che dovrebbero. Nel web si trovano un’infinità di siti pieni di “life hacks” – termine americano per indicare soluzioni utili a risolvere piccoli problemi comuni. Abbiamo raccolto i migliori in questo vademecum di idee facili e geniali che senza ombra di dubbio renderanno la vostra vita migliore! 1. 2.Vorresti una birra fresca, ma hai dimenticato di conservarne una un frigo? 29 Ways to Stay Creative. When you text an elder asking "What's the most important thing you learned in life?"

Il consiglio di un fumettista - Bill Watterson - OLTREUOMO. 7 Miserable Choices You Make Too Often. Email “We become what we repeatedly do.”

7 Miserable Choices You Make Too Often

―Aristotle Are you tired of dealing with the same type of grief over and over and over again? If so, it’s time to purge a few bad habits. It’s time to learn from your mistakes rather than be conquered by them, and let your errors be of commission rather than omission. Tricks to Looking Thinner NOW. May 20, 1990: Advice on Life from Calvin and Hobbes Creator Bill Watterson. By Maria Popova “The truth is, most of us discover where we are headed when we arrive.”

May 20, 1990: Advice on Life from Calvin and Hobbes Creator Bill Watterson

‘Tis the season for glorious life advice dispensed by cap-and-gown-clad elders to cap-and-gown-clad youngsters, emanating a halo effect of timeless wisdom the rest of us can absorb any day, at any stage of life. On May 20, 1990, Bill Watterson, creator of the beloved Calvin and Hobbes comic strip, took the podium at Kenyon College — the same stage David Foster Wallace would occupy 15 years later to deliver one of history’s most memorable commencement addresses — and gave the graduating class a gift of equally remarkable insight and impact.

Watterson begins the speech by articulating the same sentiment at the heart of the most unforgettable commencement addresses: the notion that not-knowing is not only a part of the journey, but an integral part: I have a recurring dream about Kenyon. It’s surprising how hard we’ll work when the work is done just for ourselves. He concludes by echoing Rilke: L’impresa eroica del vivere. Sarà anche una poesia dallo stile mediocre, benché spesso venga attribuita a Pablo Neruda, ma quello che la giornalista brasiliana Martha Medeiros ha messo su carta con parole convenzionali è un pensiero potentissimo: il senso della vita. «Cosa sarà che ti fa morire a vent’anni anche se vivi fino a cento», cantavano Dalla e De Gregori (su testo di Ron), rielaborando il formidabile epitaffio di Marcello Marchesi: «L’importante è che la morte ci colga vivi» La sensazione è che questa vita a cui sembriamo tanto affezionati non ci interessi conoscerla davvero e che il mito della Bella Addormentata parli a tutti noi, al nostro rifiuto di svegliarci, alla paura di vivere, che non è timore dell’ignoto ma timore di lasciare ciò che è noto.

Di fronte al dolore, all’imprevisto, alla perdita di qualcosa, la prima reazione è conservatrice, di rifiuto o di fuga, condita dal lamento vittimista («capitano tutte a me»). TRUTH- Quotes and Reflections « Mommy Mystic. Once again, I am not posting what I planned to this week. But that’s the joy of blogging – that you can explore what comes up when it comes up.

[La Strad@ - web magazine] Come Aumentare la Concentrazione con 3 Tecniche Anti-Distrazione. -IperMind- Bauman: "Le emozioni passano i sentimenti vanno coltivati" - Repubblica delle Idee 2012 - Scrivere il futuro. Non conosciamo più la gioia delle cose durevoli, frutto di lavoro. Il grande sociologo spiega come i legami siano stati sostituiti dalle "connessioni". Pronoia Resources. Come Smettere di Lamentarsi (e perché non serve a nulla)