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Can you tell how orgasmic a woman is just by the way she walks. How To Drink with Women. It is not a question whether you can drink or not. Everyone can get wasted. You just drink whatever everyone else is drinking and once you hit the floor or the toilet seat you know you are done. But the real question is how to drink, have fun, and still be able to control yourself and not have any regrets in the morning. How To Talk To Girls. Squirrel hit by snowball by Marco Sartori. Have Sex While You Sleep. If you think it’s impossible to have sex while you sleep, think again, according to a new study.

Have Sex While You Sleep

There are at least 11 different sex-related sleep disorders, collectively referred to as “sexsomnia” or “sleepsex,” that affect people who are otherwise psychologically healthy—causing them to unknowingly engage in various sexual activities during the night. Carlos Schenck, a psychiatrist at the Minnesota Regional Sleep Disorders Center, and his colleagues have studied a number of behavioral disorders associated with sleep.

“Any basic instinct can come out in the context of sleep,” Schenck told LiveScience. Sex and the Ego.