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How To Make Scratch Off Save The Date Cards For Your Wedding. So it’s time for another installment of BUY or DIY? This time, we’re talking scratch cards ~ those fun, lotto inspired cards that make what’s underneath much more exciting! The scratch card concept is often used for Save The Date cards ~ use them to keep your guests guessing until revealing the date of your wedding and/or the names of the happy couple getting married. They can also be used in similar ways on invites to bridal/baby showers, stag or bachelorette parties. There are some really cute customisable ‘ready made’ options to buy or you could whip up some silver scratch-able paint by mixing acrylic paint with washing up liquid then paint it over your own design/chosen save the date cards. Or as a DIY/BUY compromise, you can buy ready made scratch off stickers at My Scratch Off Labels in a variety of different shapes and sizes and stick them over your save the dates (which is a much less time consuming option).

Design by Swiss Cottage Designs via Oh So Beautiful Paper Feeling crafty? Clothing, accessories. DIY - Calendari setmanal. Últimament he anat una mica malament de memòria, se m'ha passat més d'una cosa i he acabat fent tard o saltant-m'ho directament... Sí, ja ho sé, existeixen agendes però jo necessito alguna cosa que em quedi més a la vista. Així que ja em veieu a mi anant a buscar unes pinces al "xinu" (80c.), un retolador permanent de punta fina (que segur en tens algun per casa) i recuperant un regle de quan era petita on hi ha la plantilla de totes les lletres. Així que res, amb 15 minuts les tenia llestes i col·locades. He anat pintant les primeres lletres dels dies de la setmana a la punta de la pinça amb el retolador permanent. He retallat unes tires de paper i per no anar-ho canviant cada setmana, les aprofitaré fins a baix, ratllant el que vagi fent.

D'acord no m'han quedat taaant estupendes com les de la botigueta molona però funcionar funcionen igual,no? Espero que us hagi agradat! Picasso CWTS reveal - the book clutch + how-to. Chocolate Dipped Panda Gummy Bears. I've been wanting to make these chocolate covered gummy bears for my cousin Panda for a while now. Yes, I have a cousin named Panda, yes, like the bear, and no her parents didn't name her after a black and white bear. Her name was just lost in translation. In my previous posts I showed you how to make white chocolate covered gummy bears and dark chocolate covered gummy bears. These panda bears use the same technique as the white chocolate covered gummy bears but I also painted them with cocoa powder. I thought it would be easy to make paint the black onto the panda bears, but it was difficult to paint white chocolate. The links above show you how to dip the gummy bears (with pictures), but in case you're lazy here is the basic how to: Materials: 20 to 30 gummy bears 6 oz of white or dark chocolate chips or cut up chunks 1 tbs of butter or shortening (if chocolate is too thick) optional mug spatula foam board toothpicks Place about 6 oz of chocolate chips in microwave safe mug.

Tie a Perfect Bow. Let's make a perfect bow by implementing a few good tips. This is my first video sooo …. patience required … there's lots of room for improvement! Watch it and you will be on your way to making a perfect bow every time. What about you… do you like video tutorials or do you prefer just pictures with written instructions? Go and be pretty, Sara. Henry happened. Light Up the Night. I'm one of those people that loves Christmas lights year-round. That might put me in the corny category, but I think even Christmas lights can look sophisticated thanks to these ideas.

[spotted here: 1, 2, 3] Deodorant Cream by soapwallakitchen. Faux capiz shell chandelier. Ok, guys! I'm pretty pleased with the outcome of this little experiment, let's see if you agree with me when you see what I'm talking about. Take a gander at this beauty I just put up in the kids' room, starting off the beachy/underwater theme that will be in there (trying my hand at a classier version of a kid's room, SpongeBob will still fit in but he won't be the main theme). And do you believe me when I tell you it cost me a grand total of...... $0? It's true! The best part (and you're going to love this one!) So here's what you need. *1 bell shade (from the thrift store or your stash), stripped of all fabric *Mason's line from the hardware store (or other string of your choice) *Many (empty and clean) milk jugs, amount varies depending on how dense and long you want your finished chandelier to be *Tapestry needle This is what I did. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The mason's line consists of three strands which I divided and used one strand at a time. 5. 6. How's that for a cool chandelier?! Ps.