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30 Goals Challenge

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How I see it now. Theodora's blog. 30 Goals Cycle 4 Quicklist. A lesson plan a day. By Walton Burns (@EnglAdvantage). My blog with more lesson plans is here: English Advantage. This is a role play lesson plan. I miss doing role plays and I miss designing them. This was one of the most fun I’ve ever done. This role play is about a company that makes bad products! And there’s a conspiracy. Materials Warm Up Tell students they are going to do a roleplay today.

The Situation Hand out the Beauty, Inc. Spend some time to make sure they understand the situation well. Preparing the Roles Now hand each student one Beauty, Inc. One activity to get students thinking is to have students write in one sentence who their character is. Running the Role Play Once you feel that students are comfortable with their roles and what they are going to say, tell them that the Press Assistant is in charge of the meeting and will decide who speaks. You may also consider structuring the discussion. Closing As a closing discussion, ask the students if they have ever bought anything that didn’t work. The 30 Goals Challenge for Educators.