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Part of the agenda is that we are going through the process of ascension as a planet while we are still on it. This is not the usual case, so it presents its own set of problems.
The powers that be know this which is why they are going out of their way to stop us in our evolutionary process.

The 12 Universal Laws. What Is The Purpose Of Life? (This Will Answer So Many Questions!) 7 Signs you are entering the 5th Dimension -The Movie. Drunvalo Melkizedek --Bible Code & The Akashic Records 4/4. Drunvalo Melkizedek --Bible Code & The Akashic Records 3/4. Drunvalo Melkizedek --Bible Code & The Akashic Records 3/4. Drunvalo Melkizedek --Bible Code & The Akashic Records 2/4.

All About the Akashi Records and the Noosphere - Cosmic Starseeds. The term Akashic record is used for the Creator’s account of every thing that has occurred in the past, present, and future history of Creation. The record consists of energetic light patterns that are tuned to a particular vibrational frequency unique to its contents. Ultimately, the code is based upon the frequency of love. Knowledge about the ability to access your personal Akashic record can reveal the answers to who you really are.

What is an Akashic record? There are various levels and kinds of Akashic records created in order to be able to categorize and file such records. Akash is the actual energy signature held within the ether. Because of their holographic nature, the layers of Akashic records can be imagined as a set of Russian dolls nested one within another within another. For an individual, the Akashic record for a human lifetime incarnation could have the following information stored in it: -a record of an individual cell in the human body We are all connected The Noosphere.

The Akashic Records. Akashic Record. The word Akasha comes from Sanskrit and means primary substance from which all things are formed. Akashic records hold a vibrational record of each souls journey. It has information of what each soul thinks, feels and does over lifetimes. It tells you the what, why and how of any situation. The Akashic Records have been mentioned in many spiritual backgrounds.

In the Christian culture it is referred to as "The Book of Life", the Egyptians mention the records when working with their kings. The most well known reader of the Akashic Records was Edgar Cayce. Edgar Cayce was known as the sleeping prophet. The Akashic Records can be accessed more easily now because of the shift of consciousness on the planet. An Akashic reading is different from medium-ship. "I had no idea what reading the Akashic Records were until I was going to interview Mona Wind on my radio show.

Some interesting things about the Akashic Record Reading. What is Ascension? What Happens If You Do Or Don't Ascend? Ascension Symptoms. 51 Signs of Ascension ~ How Many Do You Have? Higher Vibrations vs Lower Vibrations. Discovering your individual mission. How your brain makes moral judgments. This image shows differences in brain activity between people who judge an act wrong and others who say it's not wrong. The neuroscience of morality is "waiting for a big revolution"Psychopaths' brains show different activity when making moral judgmentsMagnetic stimulation has been shown to actually change moral judgmentsAutism is being studied with regard to moral judgment (CNN) -- Imagine a CEO wants to profit from a venture that, by the way, involves emitting pollution toxic to the environment, but she doesn't care because the goal is profit.

Is the CEO intentionally harming the environment? What if, instead, the CEO is pushing a project that happens to help the environment -- is the benefit any more or less intentional than the harm in the other scenario? How do you morally judge each of these situations? "It's a field that's waiting for a big revolution sometime soon," Sinnott-Armstrong said. This is a part of CNN Health's "Inside Your Brain" series. A moral network? The Law of Attraction - Beyond The Secret...The Moses Code. Phase Shift. DNA changes Molecular Atom Consciousness. Vibration and the power of human emotions.