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Sensory overload – go through the experience. It’s eye opening! AUT_Blog_DTOP_BelowTitle_300x250 posted By A. Boyea The Autism Site Sensory overload is a common issue for people that have autism, and may make it difficult for them to travel to busy and loud places such as the mall, convenience stores, or festivals. Sensory overload occurs when one or more of the body’s senses experiences overstimulation from the environment. When faced with an environment that may cause you to feel overloaded, it triggers a fight or flight response. Go through the experience with them now. AUT_Blog_DTOP_BelowContent The Autism Site is a place where people can come together to support people who are affected by autism spectrum disorder.

ADHD Together. Qué es TDAH? Sensory Processing Disorder's Myriad Symptoms Create Controversy. Jacob Trigg was barely three years old when his mother, Pamela, began to notice he was not quite like other boys. While his classmates ran amok in preschool, he would find a quiet corner and sit by himself. At the age of four, he begged to leave restaurants, refused to play sports, and showed little interest in making friends. It took several adults to hold him down for a haircut. For most toddlers, tantrums and clumsiness are just a part of life, something they grow out of. Yet a burgeoning number of parents, like Pamela Trigg, are reporting that their children exhibit baffling, intense behaviors. Some overreact, recoiling from loud noises or refusing to wear itchy clothes. In the last decade, tens of thousands of children have been labeled with sensory processing disorder, a once-unheard of condition which advocates liken to a neurological “traffic jam” that prevents the brain from handling external stimuli and making sense of certain sounds, sights, smells, tastes, and textures.

Los hemisferios cerebrales y sus funciones. Hemisferios cerebrales y el procesamiento de la información. Nasrudín estaba sentado con un amigo cuando empezó a anochecer. «Enciende una vela», dijo el amigo, «porque está oscureciendo. Hay una justo a tu izquierda». «¿Y cómo voy a distinguir la derecha de la izquierda en la oscuridad, tonto?» , preguntó Nasrudín. Indries Shah -The Exploits of the Incomparable Mulla Nasrudin El cerebro humano consta de dos hemisferios, unidos por el cuerpo calloso, que se hallan relacionados con áreas muy diversas de actividad y funcionan de modo muy diferente, aunque complementario. Nuestros cerebros son dobles, y cada mitad tiene su propia forma de conocimiento, su propia manera de percibir la realidad externa, incluso podríamos aventurarnos a decir que poseen su propia personalidad, siendo ambas mitadas complementarias una de la otra. Podríamos decir, en cierto modo, que cada uno de nosotros tiene dos mentes conectadas e integradas por el cable de fibras nerviosas que une ambos hemisferios.

Hemisferio Izquierdo Analiza la información paso a paso. La Dra.