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Sherpa | Complete Navigation System. 8 Code Snippets for New Website Projects. Working as a web developer often requires compromise and trying out new systems. Some of your code will turn out to be a flunk, and other codes will become staples in your development process. I have learned a lot about useful code snippets and how greatly these can affect your development process. In this article I’d like to share 8 bits of code which any web developer can use. These code blocks include typical HTML5 and some more intermediate-level CSS3 solutions for various website layouts. You could store these snippets in a txt file or in development software like Coda or Adobe Dreamweaver. But either way these blocks of code should prove useful in nearly any development project. 1. To get us started I have included my very basic HTML5 webpage template. Also I have included references to 2 Google-hosted scripts.

<! 2. I learned about the CSS clearfix method years ago when just first getting into coding. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Thankfully the audio and video tags share a similar syntax. Interactive menu with CSS3 & jQuery. Baraja: A Plugin for Spreading Items in a Card-Like Fashion. 50 Useful and Instructive CSS3 Tutorials: 2012 Editioncs.

Now that most browsers support the majority of the features CSS3 offers, it’s important for developers to catch up and be aware of the power of CSS3. Photoshop and JavaScript are slowly losing their significance because it’s become possible to echo the same results with just a few lines of code easier and faster than ever. The techniques that were new a year ago have become standard now. CSS3 is evolving fast and for that reason we’ve prepared 50 fresh, useful and instructive CSS3 tutorials from 2012. Text & typography 1. Rotating Words with CSS Animations The idea in this tutorial is to rotate a part of a sentence. 2. In this tutorial you’ll walk through texturizing type from scratch – beginning with basic HTML and CSS, then creating a semi-transparent texture in Photoshop and implementing it on some headline text within a web page. 3.

While CSS3 allows us to rotate letters, it is quite complicated to arrange each letter along a curved path. 4. 5. 6. One of the hot CSS3 skills for 2012. CSS menu, 180 best resources. jQuery Background Test. jQuery for Menu Background Image Animations. VIMEO CSS Drop-Down Menu. jQuery menu - iPod drilldown. jQuery BG Image Navigation. Advanced CSS Navigation Menu Example.