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Jquery scrolling

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ScrollNav.js. Prinzhorn/skrollr. Scrolling up with jquery waypoints. Jquery Waypoints Refresh. Protonet/jquery.inview. Jquery waypoints, activate when in center of viewport instead of top. Scroll. Touch scroller - jQuery Smooth Div Scroll - Thomas Kahn. StickyMojo contained fixed position sticky sidebar jquery plugin. StickyMojo is a contained sticky sidebar jQuery plugin brought to you by MojoTech.

stickyMojo contained fixed position sticky sidebar jquery plugin

It is lightweight, fast, flexible and compatible with Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and IE8+. It will degrade gracefully in older versions of IE. Background After looking around for a contained fixed position sticky sidebar for our blog we found that there were few options that handled all of the intricacies of cross-browser support, window resizing, and smoothness. One of the solutions that many people have come up with is to have the sidebar be positioned absolutely, then animate the top property.