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The Moon

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The Moon - Facts About The Moon For Kids. The Moon was probably made 4.5 billion years ago when a large object hit the Earth and blasted out rocks that came together to orbit round the Earth. They eventually melted together, cooled down and became the Moon. For another 500 million years pieces of rock kept striking aginst the surface of the Moon. You can see the surface of the Moon by using a pair of binoculars or a small telescope.

The Moon’s surface shows the damage caused by these large pieces of rock hitting it billions of years ago. The surface is covered in craters, pits and scars. From the Earth we can only see one side of the Moon; the other side is always turned away from us. Figure 1. All parts of the Moon are lit in turn by the Sun. Figure 2. This diagram shows the phases of the moon, from a new moon, which you can hardly see at all, round to a full moon and back again in just over four weeks. Figure 3. Figure 4. The Moon is 239,000 miles, or 384,000 kilometres away from the Earth. Useful Websites. Moon visitors from earth. Regan. Craters. Astronomy. Full moon. Times to see the moon - moonrise. Moon Facts- Dialogue for Kids (Idaho Public Television)

Moons of the Solar System. Our Moon. The first landing. Hot and cold. Astronomy For Kids. Moons of the Solar System. Kids - Our Universe - Moon exploration. Home on the moon. Life on the moon — but not ours. This illustration shows two large moons orbiting a giant, gassy planet (in orange). Astronomers say the right type of moon could harbor alien life. R. Heller, AIP The first confirmation of alien life might come not from a distant planet, but from a far-flung moon.

Planet hunters have identified hundreds of exoplanets, or planets outside our solar system. René Heller of the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics in Potsdam, Germany, and Rory Barnes of the University of Washington in Seattle created a checklist of what would make a moon livable. A livable moon would receive light and heat from both the nearest star and the planet the moon orbits.

That’s a tall order. Some of those distant worlds are fairly exotic. “When I think of all the weird planets we’ve found — hot Jupiters, planets orbiting two stars — why shouldn’t we be able to find a large moon?” Power Words habitable A place suitable for humans or other living things to comfortably dwell. Moon. Moon. 10 Fun Facts About the Moon for Kids. Ever look at the Moon and think about a bunch of questions you may have in regards to the Moon? The Moon is a mysterious thing, it is part of our solar system, you can look up in the sky and see it almost every night but yet do you know all the cool and fun Moon facts? There are tons of interesting Moon fun facts that anyone would enjoy especially if you are a kid. If you are working on a report for school about astronomy or the planets, here you will find 10 Moon fun facts for kids that would really be a great addition to your report. Moon Fun Fact for Kids # 1: Temperature on the Moon If you think it gets too hot or too cold outside where you live, think again because you could burn up or be frozen on the Moon!

The temperature during the day on the Moon can get burning hot, the Moon temperature can rise as high as 250 Fahrenheit and maybe even hotter. The Moon temperature at night can as low as -380 Fahrenheit and even colder sometimes. Moon Fun Fact for Kids # 3: Bright Moon Sources: The first moon walker. Astronaut Neil Armstrong’s official portrait for the Apollo 11 mission to the moon. Armstrong standing in front of an X-15 space plane that he test piloted. Armstrong standing next to the Eagle lander. Because Armstrong took most of the photos for his team, this is the only good one showing him on the moon. Aldrin/NASA A little more than 43 years ago, an American astronaut climbed down the ladder of his lunar landing module — the Eagle — and became the first human to touch the moon’s surface. Armstrong and fellow moon walker Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin briefly became the first ambassadors to another world on July 20, 1969. “Neil was among the greatest of American heroes — not just of his time, but of all time,” said President Barack Obama.

Preparing for a life of exploration Armstrong fell in love with flying at a young age. In college, he trained as an aeronautical and aerospace engineer. But before he could finish college, Armstrong was called up for military service. Power Words. The Moon. The following questions were answered by astronomer Dr. Cathy Imhoff of the Space Telescope Science Institute. How big is the moon? The moon is about 2,000 miles across. How far is it from Earth to the moon? It is about 250,000 miles from Earth to the moon. How old is the moon? How did the moon form? How hot and cold does it get on the moon? What is the surface of the moon like?

How many holes are in the moon? Why does the moon have big rocks? How many moons are there all together? Why does the moon change its shape (as in full, half, and quarter moon)? At new moon, the moon and the sun are on the same side of Earth. About a week later, the moon has moved halfway around its orbit. About a week later, the moon has moved now three-fourths of the way around in its circle around Earth.

It's easier to demonstrate if you have a ball to represent the moon and a flashlight for the sun. What is a lunar eclipse? How come we can sometimes see the moon during the day? What is "the man in the moon"? Phases Of The Moon For Kids | Learn About The Phases Of The Moon. Astronomy. One day on the moon is 27 days 7 hours and. Air. Earth's Moon - The Solar System - FREE Presentations in PowerPoint format, Free Interactives & Games.

Voices - Kids science: Phases of the Moon. Science >> Earth Science for Kids The moon itself doesn't emit any light like the sun. What we see when we see the moon is sunlight reflected off the moon. The phase of the moon is how much of the moon appears to us on Earth to be lit up by the sun. Half of the moon is always lit up by the sun, except during an eclipse, but we only see a portion that's lit up. This is the phase of the moon. Around once per month, every 29.53 days to be exact, the moon orbits around the Earth. As the moon circles the Earth, we can only see a portion of the lit up side. When we can see 100% of the lit up side, this is a full moon. What are the different phases of the moon?

As the moon orbits or circles the Earth, the phase changes. The phases of the moon starting with the New Moon are: New Moon Waxing Crescent First Quarter Waxing Gibbous Full Waning Gibbous Third Quarter Waning Crescent Dark Moon The New Moon and Dark Moon are pretty much the same phase happening at almost the same time. Waxing or Waning? No air on the moon.

The Moon Facts. The moon is the only natural satellite orbiting Earth and the Earth's closest neighbor in space. This cold, rocky body is about 384,403 kilometers (238, 857 miles) away. This distance is similar to going around the earth 10 times. The moon is 3476 kilometers (2,160 miles) in diameter. It is 1/4 the size of the earth. It is about 400 times smaller than the sun and 400 times closer. For this reason the sun and moon appear to be the exact same size. The moon is very old!!! You can read more about the moon at NASA's StarChild, A Learning Center for Young Astronomers. The daily maximum temperature is 250° F (hot enough to boil water). Picture courtesy of NASA Picture courtesy of NASA The Moon has no atmosphere so the lunar sky is black. The surface of the moon is covered in craters or holes that have been created by space rocks or meteors that hit the soil.

Funny stuff: Did you hear the one about the restaurant on the moon? The food is terrific, but there's no atmosphere. What is "moonrise? " Moon Exploration - KIDS DISCOVER Magazine. The moon. Rotation of the moon. The moon of earth. Life on the moon. About the Moon – Moon Phases, Tides and More for Kids « While other planets have as many as 61 moons orbiting them, the moon is the Earth’s only satellite. Unlike the Earth, the moon is an inhospitable realm with no atmosphere and extreme temperatures. Because the moon lacks an atmosphere, it is perpetually dark. The moon is full of impact craters, rocks, smooth plains, and mountains. One crater, known as Clavius, is more than 100 miles in diameter. The moon is located about 238,900 miles from the Earth, though it can be as close as 221,000 miles and as far as 252,000 miles. The moon is a very different place than the Earth.

On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human being to walk on the surface of the moon as part of the Apollo 11 mission. Quiz Code: Crater Moon Video. The moon lights up because of the sun.Moon and sun. Moon. How Big Is The Moon - Ask. Distance from earth the moon's average distanc. Rocks on the Moon. How big is the moon?