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Predictive Analytics: Microsoft Excel: Conrad Carlberg: 9780789749413: Excel Dashboards and Reports (Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf): Michael Alexander, John Walkenbach: 9780470620120: Excel Dashboard for Hospital Bed Management. Dashboard Topic: Demo of an Excel Dashboard for Hospital Bed Management. Strategic management of hospital beds has become a high-pressure requirement in today’s world of health care facilities needing to do more with less resources. Like it or not, hospitals make money by determining the “right” kind of patients, procedures and getting the occupany and turn-over rates right. Yes, it seems cold-hearted, but strategic management of resources such as beds is what drives the profitability of health-care facilities. Now, in defense of hospitals, I recently had the experience of bringing someone with an arm injury to the emergency room. This person was concerned because of her lack of health insurance.

Now, back to excel dashboards. The following excel dashboard screenshots and links are from the qimacros bed management page. First off, let’s download (right-click and “save target as”) the hospital bed management excel dashboard itself. Here is a look at the bed status dashboard: M.I.B. » Twee Excel tips voor je KPI dashboard. Excel, welke analist gebruikt het niet. Vanwege de beperking in aantal records wil je nog wel eens genoodzaakt zijn om een andere tool te gebruiken, maar Excel 2007 heeft ook dat top op zekere hoogte opgelost (> 1 mio records!). Op internet zijn tal van handige gratis Excel tools te vinden. Hieronder twee gratis tools die ik recentelijk tegen ben gekomen. KPI Dashboard Steeds vaker zie je dat Excel gebruikt wordt als standaard rapportagetool.

Je kunt naast verschillende KPI’s de ontwikkelingen van segmenten met elkaar vergelijken en events definieren. CXNow! Een mindere kant van Excel is de standaard grafieken, vooral als deze in een presentatie worden gebruikt. In deze video wordt stap voor stap uitgelegd hoe het werkt. Tags: Excel, KPI dashboard, what if analyse. Data Visualization: Modern Approaches. Infographics & Data Visualization | Infographics Blog: Reviews of the Best Infographic Design Ideas.

More Business Insights with Better Excel Charts and Dashboards. Infographic List. Junk Charts. This post is part 2 of an appreciation of the chart project by Google Newslab, advised by Alberto Cairo, on the gender and racial diversity of the newsroom. Part 1 can be read here. In the previous discussion, I left out the following scatter bubble plot. This plot is available in two versions, one for gender and one for race. The key question being asked is whether the leadership in the newsroom is more or less diverse than the rest of the staff. The story appears to be a happy one: in many newsrooms, the leadership roughly reflects the staff in terms of gender distribution (even though both parts of the whole compare disfavorably to the gender ratio in the neighborhoods, as we saw in the previous post.)

Unfortunately, there are a few execution problems with this scatter plot. First, take a look at the vertical axis labels on the right side. I find this decision confounding. The horizontal axis? Here is the same chart with improved axis labels: Re-labeling serves up a new issue. More Business Insights with Better Excel Charts and Dashboards. Jesus Christ talks about The ILLUMINATI part - 1. Jesus: King of Kings. Jewish Religions - Christianity - Penetration of the Christian Organizations. 10 Christ-like Figures Who Pre-Date Jesus. Religion I recently watched the documentary Zeitgeist (Part 1) as well as Bill Maher’s movie Religulous. Both made mention of claims often made that there are many stories that predate Jesus but have striking parallels.

I decided to follow up on these claims and see what kind of information was out there to substantiate these assertions. I found several websites run by Christians who obviously disputed all claims of any parallels to the life of Jesus. As a non-christian, I am approaching this topic purely as an interested observer. Here are ten of the figures often sited: Both went to their temples at the age of twelve, where they are said to have astonished all with their wisdom. “When he [Buddha] went again to the garden he saw a monk who was calm, tranquil, self–possessed, serene, and dignified.

Jesus responded: “…begone, Satan!” Homeric tales about Odysseus emphasize his suffering life, just as in Mark Jesus said that he, too, would suffer greatly. Born of a virgin, Isis. Christian. Excel Dashboard School - Essenes Nazarenes. Jesus: King of Kings. Jewish Book Council. Download Free Books. Jewish Book Council. EDSP Annual Expense. Web Search. Web Search. 2012 Handbook. 11-doesemployeeretention. Welcome to the Church of Jesus! Episcopal Diocese of Southern Philippines | Life and Ministry in Mindanao, Philippines.

Purple Life of Jesus Catholic Church - Home. Holistic education. Book1. Life of Jesus in the New Testament. Spirituality.