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We provide Psychometric and Strategic Human resource management software in the United Kingdom.

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All rights reserved. All trademarks referenced in this website, except Koinup™, its trademarks, logos and other proprietary contents, are property of their respective owners. This site is in no way associated with the owners of trademarks and logos referenced in the website or linked by its members. No infringement is intended. Adam Bartlett's TED Recommendations. Nancy Black. Robmethon. Nancy Black - the United Kingdom. Robmethon_268. Get the Free %{platform} App Enjoy the best Viki experience, optimized for your phone and tablet Customize Your Profile The Strategic Resources is a diversified provider of human resources management Cost Containment Services, and Human Services.


We believe in Choose your language Watch Now Report user Let us know as many details as possible. Report robmethon_268 for Please upgrade your browser Viki doesn't support your browser anymore! Robmethon2 - Profile. Robmethon's Wall. Rob Methon. Rob Methon's TED Recommendations. Bonnie P.'s Craft Profile on Cut Out. Robmethon's Activity. Rob Methon. Rob methon on Behance. Psychometric Test Practice & Assessment Online. Ensuring that you have the right people for the right job is vital, whether it's verbal, numerical or their ability to reason, and it’s the questions you ask that determine this most accurately.

Psychometric Test Practice & Assessment Online

The nature of the word 'psychometric' conflates the word 'psyche', which is defined as 'mind', with the word 'meter', which means 'measure'. So, psychometric testing and psychometric assessments are effective tools that quantify a person's psychological characteristics in a way that can be measured and analyzed. For example, psychometric tests and psychometric assessments can be used to measure with a great degree of accuracy the characteristics of a person like their personality, cognitive abilities, behavior patterns as well as a wide range of other factors. Despite their seeming similarities, there are distinctions between psychometric testing and psychometric assessment. Talent Management System and Process Courses. Talent Management is about being able to recognize and identify talent to most effectively integrating it into an organisation.

Talent Management System and Process Courses

It is vital that you ensure that the best human resource is placed in the most effective position. This could be a talent that an individual has that is vital to a company’s needs, or it could be because of improved talent management system, an as of yet unknown skill beneficial to the organisation is uncovered in a promising individual. Once the talent has been acquired another part of talent management is to develop that talent further, and maximize this ability to ensure the best possible outcomes for the individual and the organisation as a whole.

This can be sourced from more than one active talent and combine many different talents together from different people who specialize in different or similar areas. Employee Attitude Survey Courses. A carefully constructed and analysed attitude survey can be a very effective way of gathering information required to establish a foundation on which a change program can be built.

Employee Attitude Survey Courses

Regrettably, however, more than a few attitude surveys fail because, whilst they look good to the untrained eye, the data recovered is inconclusive, vague or misleading. The standard attitude survey is an instrument used by business managers to identify the views and opinions of their employees on a range of issues that relate to the organisation and their position within the company. Employee attitude surveys act as the foundations of psychometric test. It is done by completing questionnaires. Once the attitude survey has been completed, a better understanding of how to proceed can be established. Performance Appraisal System & Process. We cannot stress strongly enough the value of properly designed and run appraisal systems and how appraisal process are linked into structured succession planning.

Performance Appraisal System & Process

At SRS Group, we help our clients to design appraisal systems that really work, and we train your line managers so that they can conduct this vital, but often much-mishandled process, in a way that ensures that the best people are placed in the best positions, which takes advantage of their skills, while helping to mitigate their weaknesses. We help the strategic team to map out the appraisal and succession planning process, by understanding the potential locked within the key individuals and by fitting this to possible future roles. Just one of the many advantages that go with performance appraisals reviews is the format. In almost every instance, both staff and supervisors have reported that a well-conducted appraisal process, has huge benefits to both the business, and the people involved.

Strategic Planning Process and Courses Online. This is designed to allow the client and SRS Group to examine the current organizational structure against present and future business objectives.

Strategic Planning Process and Courses Online

Personal Individual Development Plan For Employees. By combining business needs with personal profiles, SRS can support individuals and their line managers in the production of practical development programs.

Personal Individual Development Plan For Employees

Where appropriate we can provide insight and practical advice in this area. Corporate Coaching Program and Courses Online. When it comes to running a business the benefits of corporate coaching are becoming widely accepted within the industry, however when it comes to the benefits of coaching linked to highly predictive psychometrics these benefits are less widely known within the industry.

Corporate Coaching Program and Courses Online

When it comes to this here at SRS we know that combining highly accurate tools with the coaching process that we undergo SRS is achieving results which in many cases are quite remarkable. Here at SRS, we are able to any team coaching with an important choice of areas that are extremely important including personal coaching, corporate rehabilitation coaching. Aquisitions Process UK. The process of acquisitions can always be a complex and difficult task.

Aquisitions Process UK

Any company that is considering the acquisition of another organisation they would never dream of moving forward into the process without conducting a thorough financial due diligence process, to make all acquisitions the greatest success that they could possibly be. During the acquisitions process, several points of interest need to be fully understood and reviewed to ensure the greatest possible outcome, no matter what the acquisitions may be. However, while all points are critical in the outcome of the acquisitions process, certain points will have a greater impact than others, an example of this is Human Resource’s, which could be looked at as being the biggest influencing factor on the performance of a business, but is quite often overlooked or only given the most cursory of investigations. Motivational Team Building Activities and Ideas.

Nobody in your team is an Island. As a result, team working is pivotal to the functionality of your organisation.That’s why the value of team working and team building activities cannot be overstated.A motivational team building from Strategic Resource Solutions Ltd is a specialised service that is provided by our team of experts. While thinking about motivational team building, you will be able to recognize the importance that it holds within the commercial sector, it can never be underestimated in when it comes down to how well a business performs. Many successful organizations operate as a cohesive group instead of simply being an assortment of individuals, who don’t necessarily work well together towards the same goal.

We know the importance of motivational team building, and here at SRS, we have a team event of commercially focused psychologists. Recruitment and Selection Process Online. Selecting the right people for the right job can be fraught with difficulty. Working out whether or not someone has applicable skills from a candidate interview isn’t always a simple task, the selection process often needs something more in-depth and informed than a traditional interview of candidates. Emotional Intelligence Test & Courses Online. Emotional Intelligence is the ability for an individual to recognize their own and other individuals emotions, and use this emotional information to guide, thinking and behavior accordingly. Also, emotional intelligence also referred to as EI, is becoming a very respected trait and is even considered a key to success, especially in the work and business environment.

It generally consists of three main skills: Emotional awarenessThe ability to utilize emotions and apply them to thinking and problem solvingThe ability to manage the emotions of others, as well as your own As multiple studies show, some people are born with high emotional intelligence skills and this ability comes naturally, these individuals tend to excel in leadership positions, have better mental health and job performance. Change Management Process Courses. Whether changing size, changing shape or changing direction, the key element for change within a business is your human strategic resource. Without them, you would not be able to manage any transition and move forward with your business. Before going through the change management process, you must recognise where the change is going to be applied, and what that change looks like. Here at SRS, change management is cardinal.

We fully believe in evaluating every step before any changes are made. This will allow for the smoothest possible transition at every step of the way for the business itself the individuals that help run it. Challenges - Strategic Resource Solutions Ltd. Rehabilitation Coaching Services & Process. Strategic Resource Solutions, has, for a number of years, providing a service to insurers and companies alike, designed specifically at aiding the individuals to return to work following ill health or injury. Key Resource Evaluation. Downsizing Organisation Strategies. 6 Steps to Strategic Human Resource Management. What is Strategic Human Resource Management? Strategic Human Resource Management: A Revolutionary HR Practice. What is strategic human resource management? Strategic Human Resource assets board is the link between the organization's HR and its technology, goals and objectives. Why You Need A Strategic Human Resource Management.

The Importance of Strategic Human Resource Management. Where once the human resources office was centered exclusively around enrollment and staff preparing, it has now developed as a force to be reckoned with, equipped for driving an association into what has gotten a difficult, quick-moving, advanced first business scene.