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Web. Estante PDF. Insira imagens de fundo em pastas! 100 Email Hacks. It’s hard to believe that in 1998 when the movie “You’ve Got Mail” came out, people actually looked forward to opening their inbox.

100 Email Hacks

Back then “Inbox Zero” was an insult (“You have no friends, Inbox Zero-boy”). Now it’s considered a mythical utopia, a place where only a select few can ever hope to visit, and only very briefly. At SaneBox, we’ve done lots of research and thinking on ways to get better at email, and compiled this list of 100 hacks (i.e. tricks, tips, apps, methods) which will let you get to Inbox Zero every day. Better yet, we’ve asked some of our friends, some of whom get even more email than you (VCs, journalists etc) to share their personal tips.

10 Apps & Tools for Maximizing Personal Efficiency - Frank Addante's Founder Blog. October 24th, 2012 | by fbadmin 1.

10 Apps & Tools for Maximizing Personal Efficiency - Frank Addante's Founder Blog

Sanebox (Email Organization): Service that uses algorithms to organize your email into what’s important and what’s not. I was skeptical and had a lot of issues with giving up control of my inbox, but I’m hooked now. Instalando e Ativando o Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus PT-BR.