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Everything open and free by Lily Fisher on Prezi. Conference "Reinventing Organizations" en français (Flagey, Bruxelles) Ne prenons pas (tous) les scouts numériques de l’économie collaborative pour de naïfs altruistes. L’économie collaborative ou sharing economy bouleverse les modes de production et de consommation.

Ne prenons pas (tous) les scouts numériques de l’économie collaborative pour de naïfs altruistes

Mais ses évangélistes ne peuvent masquer la contradiction fondamentale de ce mouvement: il sera soit le dépassement du capitalisme, soit exactement l’inverse. Internautes de tous pays, au boulot. Ils résistent rarement à l’envie de citer Ghandi, une maxime bouddhiste ou une fulgurance de Steve Jobs lors de leurs conférences sur le potentiel révolutionnaire des nouvelles technologies, sans oublier les «bar camps», les «meet up» et les espaces de «coworking» où ils prêchent la bonne parole collaborative, séduisant une population jeune et urbaine souvent idéaliste et avide de changement. Ils communiquent via tout un lexique ésotérique pour le profane, fait de social innovation, de réseaux organiques, horizontaux, distribués, ouverts, open source, fluides et agiles. Leur programme? Will Work For Free. Marcin Jakubowski - The Open Source Economy. Empowering people. Award: Moving Beyond the Public-Private Divide: Locating Social Entrepreneurship in the Social Economy.

Four Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version. Non-sens interdit. On a tendance à interpréter et trouver un sens à tout ce qui nous entoure, même quand elles n’en ont pas..

Non-sens interdit

Qu'est ce qui nous amène à agir ainsi? Je veux une explication! Pourquoi les ventes ont-elles baissé cette semaine? Comment se fait-il qu’on a perdu 0,01% de part de marché ce mois-ci? Je ne sais pas si vous avez remarqué, au boulot il faut toujours avoir une explication prête pour tout ce qui se passe, y compris pour des trucs manifestement aléatoires. John Maeda: How art, technology and design inform creative leaders. Michel Bauwens: Four Scenarios for the Collaborative Economy. Vue d'ensemble de l'économie collaborative avec Michel Bauwens. Schumpeter: In praise of misfits. Searching Without Objectives. Bio Kenneth O.

Searching Without Objectives

Stanley is an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Central Florida. His Ph.D. is from the University of Texas at Austin. Amanda Palmer: The art of asking. Fuyez les livres, fuyez l'école, fuyez Facebook! Conrad Gessner, un scientifique suisse de renom, a sans doute été le premier à s'inquiéter des répercussions négatives d'un trop-plein d'informations.

Dans un ouvrage de référence, Gessner décrivait un monde moderne submergé de données, une situation à la fois «déroutante et néfaste». Aujourd'hui, les médias s'en font l'écho à coups de rapports sur les risques sans précédent d'un environnement virtuel continuellement «branché». Il est cependant intéressant de préciser que Gessner n'a jamais envoyé un e-mail de sa vie, et n'y connaissait absolument rien en informatique.

Non pas qu'il fut technophobe, simplement, il mourut en 1565. A Creative Community for the Collaborative Economy. “Towards a Cooperative, Small scale, Local, P2P Production Future” – back from the OuiShare Summit in Paris « Meedabyte. (Italian translation of the post follows here – La traduzione in italiano è disponibile qui) I’m fresh back from the first OuiShare Summit in Paris – that has been held in the wonderful coworking space “La Mutinerie” - where I had the amazing opportunity to gave a talk entitled “Towards a cooperative, small scale, local, p2p production Future” in which I really tried to connect the dots over a bunch of topics, amazing authors and also writings that I’ve done on my own, especially the latest three on the blog.

“Towards a Cooperative, Small scale, Local, P2P Production Future” – back from the OuiShare Summit in Paris « Meedabyte

OuiShare initiative was born in Paris during 2010 mostly thanks to the energy and sociablity of Antonin Leonard following the global wave of interest around two seminal books that have been published those days: Rachel Botsman’s and Roo Rogers’ “What’s mine is yours” and Lisa Gansky’s “The Mesh”. The paradigm of cooperation is, indeed, one – probably the only one – credible alternative that our global society should tackle in pursuit of a future of some kind. Cloud Collaboration: The Explosion Of Human Knowledge. Cloud Collaboration: The Explosion Of Human Knowledge The Power of Me We This post is sponsored by the CIO Collaboration Network and Avaya.

Cloud Collaboration: The Explosion Of Human Knowledge

And Harvard announce edX. Harvard University and MIT today announced edX, a transformational new partnership in online education.

and Harvard announce edX

Through edX, the two institutions will collaborate to enhance campus-based teaching and learning and build a global community of online learners. EdX will build on both universities’ experience in offering online instructional content. The technological platform recently established by MITx, which will serve as the foundation for the new learning system, was designed to offer online versions of MIT courses featuring video lesson segments, embedded quizzes, immediate feedback, student-ranked questions and answers, online laboratories and student-paced learning. Certificates of mastery will be available for those who are motivated and able to demonstrate their knowledge of the course material. MIT and Harvard expect that over time other universities will join them in offering courses on the edX platform. 4 Principles For Creating Change, And 4 Barriers That Make It Harder. Many people now are struggling to make change; to drive social or environmental impact whether they are social entrepreneurs or people working from within organizations to make a difference.

4 Principles For Creating Change, And 4 Barriers That Make It Harder

In this piece, we wanted to focus on thinking about how communities of change makers can thrive. It’s not enough for change making to be the sole remit of a handful of do-gooders or NGOs. By highlighting some of the barriers and core principles that are vital to the success of a world in which everyone is a change maker, we hope to begin to mainstream the art of change making and destroy the social entrepreneur’s monopoly on social change. Barrier 1: Experts As Idols Too often change making is outsourced to experts or social entrepreneurs rather than community members. Barrier 2: Conditions Of Problem Solving Are Overlooked Much of the time, we are quick to jump to tactical problem solving without fully reflecting on whether the conditions for it are put in place.

Comment l’internet transforme-t-il la façon dont on pense ? (1/5) : un réseau d’humains et de machines enchevêtrées. Jacques Attali: Cent milliards. TEDxLaDéfense - Etienne Hayem - La monnaie comme lien. Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work. Grands témoins / Serge Soudoplatoff, "penseur 2.0" : "Sur Internet, l’intelligence et la bêtise sont transportées de manière équivalente." - ATTYPIQUE.COM (avec 2 T) TOUTES LES NEWS ET INTERVIEWS ATYPIQUES ET INEDITES POUR COMPRENDRE L'ACTU VITE ET AUTREM.

Cette crise ne passera pas l’Ibère. Le 26 juin 2012, Manuel Castells, sociologue devenu la référence mondiale de l'analyse de la société et du pouvoir par les réseaux donnait une conférence intitulée "Une autre économie est possible".

Cette crise ne passera pas l’Ibère

L'occasion de livrer une analyse originale de la crise et de rendre compte d'une étude sur les nombreuses expériences économiques alternatives en Catalogne. L'esprit de partage, une révolution de l'esprit #Sharism. SenseTwitt. Brands, “sound mapping” and experiential marketing on social media « Martin Pasquier. Paris is busy these days with its digital world festival, known as Futur en Seine.

Brands, “sound mapping” and experiential marketing on social media « Martin Pasquier

A kind of broader SXSW, where anyone interested in 3D printing, connected cities, open-data or API games can come, see, and also play for real with brilliant kids, smart lecturers and odd machines. PIC This morning, I went to a workshop on « sound mapping ». The issue is quite interesting as I’m my self a « mapper » (of social media data, mostly), and a dreamer enough to love hear a sound with eyes wide shut. The research team of the « Topophonie » project lead a creative session with many projects shown to help us understand the link between geography, space, sound and data. The world didn’t wait – hopefully – for social media nor the internet to be able to represent sound and space in one item. The New Internet Public. Social networks are bringing new voices to the table and forcing political change in ways previously impossible—a report from the Personal Democracy Forum.

The New Internet Public

S ome 21 years ago, just after the 1989 pro-democracy protests in Beijing ’s Tiananmen Square ended in a spray of violence and live fire from government tanks that killed untold thousands, a Chinese journalist colleague of mine advised his fellow writers to “be like water.” He was quoting a proverb that urged persistence in the face of towering obstacles.

Water, he explained, can seep through and around even the most imposing walls to get to the other side. I thought of him this week while attending the 2012 Personal Democracy Forum (PDF) in New York, a national gathering of some of the country’s leading Internet experts, activists, and policy wonks who annually contemplate the links between technology and the ways we are able to govern ourselves in today’s world. Among the takeaways from this year’s conference: TEDxParisUniversités - Eric Van Den Broek - Work 2.0. Europa 2111 - Cineuropa - Echoes from the future. RSA Animate - The Power of Networks. Avons-nous besoin d’Info Labs. The Rise Of The Micro-Entrepreneurship Economy. Years ago, Russell Howze was working as a creative at an advertising agency in Atlanta when he got laid off due to budget cuts.

He then spent years piecing together work through various corporate jobs, until he decided to follow his heart. He founded a nonprofit organization for artists, and now supplements his income running street art tours through Vayable, the company I founded, in his extra time. The first part of this story is one that has come to define the reality of so many in the wake of the recession. But the second part--where the discontented worker leaves behind the “security” of a corporate job in favor of his or her passions--is a new and growing behavior in post-industrial countries, particularly in the United States, Europe, and Australia. The media has named the growing trend toward micro-entrepreneurship “the Rise of the Creative Class," “the Gig Life," or "the freelance economy.”

Metagame Design. 10 Creative And Inspiring Ways People Got Really Early Jobs At Hot Startups. UPDATED: 166 Documentaries To Expand Your Consciousness.