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Trending Travel Blog Posts on the Internet — Travelistly by BucketListly. Rome2rio: discover how to get anywhere. 100 erros de português frequentes no mundo corporativo - Guia prático da criatividade. Comece o dia com uma corrida curta, de três a cinco quilômetros.

Guia prático da criatividade

Tome banho, leia e vá para o trabalho. Se possível, caminhando, com música clássica preenchendo os fones de ouvido. 29 hotéis espetaculares ao redor do mundo. 35 restaurantes com vistas espetaculares ao redor do mundo. O #25 vai te deixar de boca aberta! Quem já comeu uma deliciosa refeição com uma vista maravilhosa sabe como a experiência é única e marcante.

35 restaurantes com vistas espetaculares ao redor do mundo. O #25 vai te deixar de boca aberta!

Aqui estão 35 dos lugares mais bonitos para apreciar uma boa refeição junto de pessoas que você gosta. Aliás, esse post me lembrou daquele dos hotéis mais espetaculares ao redor do mundo. É quase que uma continuação, né? ;-) Aproveite para fazer uma lista de restaurantes para jantar um dia. Happiest States: Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index Ranks U.S. States. Amazing Festivals Around The World That You Should See Before You Die. Tweet Once a year some of the countries around the world hold magical and outrageous festivals.

Amazing Festivals Around The World That You Should See Before You Die

Some like the Brazilian carnival and Spanish bull chase are famous world wide while others few people know about. So if you fancy living it up then check out our list of 20 of the most amazing festivals from around the world that we recommend you should see before you die. 1. Carnaval — Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – Feb. 28 – March 4 (for 2014) Much like Mardi Gras in New Orleans and Carnevale in Venice, Canaval is a nonstop party, just with special addition of Brazilian flair.

[SEE ALSO - 35 Clearest Waters In The World To Swim In Before You Die] 2. Though there are many smaller offshoots of Oktoberfest around the world, Munich’s original fair is the biggest beer festival in the world. 3. The Harbin festival is the largest snow and ice festival in the world, and it features carvings towering over 20 feet in height and full-size buildings made from gigantic blocks of ice. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 100 Years of Rock Visualized. IRIN Mobile. Anger Is More Viral Than Joy. In grey, the interactions of a social network, and in color, that network mapped through emotions (color coding is same as the figure below).

Anger Is More Viral Than Joy

Via Rui Fan et. al Ever notice that whenever some clown writes a truly abhorrent, asinine blog post, it ends up being the most-shared article in your Twitter or Facebook feed that day? It's annoying as a reader—and as a journalist with at least a modicum of professional interest in having stories shared—to have everyone and their mother jump out of the digital woodwork to shout "Boo this man! [link]" when there's so many superior stories worth reading every day.

Hate-sharing seems like an undeniable force on the web. The researchers from Beihang University in Beijing looked at Weibo, China's Twitter-like social network that now boasts half a billion users. For their dataset, the team first gathered 70 million tweets from 200,000 users, all of whom had at least 30 interactions (e.g. had some sort of influence) during the collection period.

Enciclopédia de Termos Lógico-Filosóficos, segunda edição. 31 de Outubro de 2006 ⋅ Lógica Enciclopédia de Termos Lógico-Filosóficos, direcção de João Branquinho, Desidério Murcho e Nelson Gonçalves Gomes São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2006, 803 pp.Comprar ⋅ Prefácio ⋅ Autores ⋅ Índice de artigos Esta enciclopédia abrange, de maneira introdutória mas desejavelmente rigorosa, uma diversidade de conceitos, temas, problemas, argumentos e teorias localizados na área relativamente recente de "estudos lógico-filosóficos".

Enciclopédia de Termos Lógico-Filosóficos, segunda edição

O território teórico abrangido nesta área é extenso e de contornos por vezes difusos; inclui um conjunto de questões fundamentais acerca da natureza da linguagem, da mente, da cognição e do raciocínio, bem como questões acerca das conexões destes com a realidade não mental e extralinguística. Esta é uma edição revista e aumentada do volume publicado em 2001 (Lisboa: Gradiva), e que agora se publica no Brasil e em breve em Portugal. Urban Wastelands: The World’s 10 Most Polluted Places. Climate change may get most of the attention, but the biggest environmental risk to human health today isn’t global warming.

Urban Wastelands: The World’s 10 Most Polluted Places

It’s industrial pollution, often in poor cities and towns where factories, power plants and chemical facilities face little to no regulation. A new report from the Blacksmith Institute—an NGO that addresses industrial pollution—estimates that industrial pollution poses a health risk to more than 200 million people around the world, often through elevated levels of cancer, respiratory disease and other illnesses. The report names and shames ten of the most polluted places on the planet, which range from the oil-contaminated Niger Delta in Nigeria to the badly polluted Soviet-era industrial town of Dzerzhinsk in Russia. Life in these places can be short and brutal, but the good news is that cleaning up this sort of old industrial pollution is often much cheaper and easier than dealing with the pervasive problem of climate change.

10 Easy Things That Will Make You Happier, Backed By Science.