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Illustration tutorials. Tortillion.htm. How To Make A Tortillion A tortillion is nothing more than a piece of rolled paper used as a blending tool. The softness or hardness of the tortillion is controlled by the type of paper you choose to make it out of. I have never liked to use a finger or a blending stump on a drawing because it always looks like a big smudge when you are finished.

Google Image Result for. TL;DR. The second bit of advice a beginning artist usually gets is “draw from life”.


And it is excellent advice! After all, if you can't draw what is right in front of you, you certainly won't be able to draw what you see in your imagination either. But the advice is a bit short, and will usually leave the artist behind unsure of what to do next. This chapter will help you to get started by explaining some different sketching methods you can use. Drawing Drawing Tutorial - How to draw - Tips for drawing hands. Step 1 Many people have mentioned how the hands I draw look good, and by good, meaning no anatomy mistakes, since those mistakes are so common when drawing any hands that are not in 'the default pose'.

drawing Drawing Tutorial - How to draw - Tips for drawing hands

So, beginning with anatomy, this is the basic bone structure of the hand is represented by sticks and circles are joints.
