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What to measure in social media

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Top SEO Competitive Analysis Techniques. Social Journalism / Social Media Analytics #infographic. Five Ways to Measure Social Media Efforts. By: Gini Dietrich | March 8, 2012 | A couple of weeks ago, I was standing in line at security in the Ft. Lauderdale airport. I was fascinated at the three and a half hour line (which I thankfully didn’t have to go through) and commented on it to the guy standing behind me. We started to talk and he asked me what I was doing in Florida. I explained I had just given the opening keynote at the Retail Packaging Association trade show on using the web for business growth. He asked if that included social media. I said, “Yeah. They are a dime a dozen. Yet, there are few who know how to integrate their expertise with real business results. I swear, if I hear one more time that you can’t measure the ROI of a bar of soap (or your mom or a bag of chips or whatever the cool phrase is at the time), I may actually go ballistic.

The fact of the matter is, you can (and should) measure your social media efforts. Leads. This first appeared on Social Media Sun. How to Monitor Social Media Conversations. Benchmarking Your Social Performance. Editor’s Note: The following is a guest post from Tristan Handy from Argyle Social, a service SME uses and a company that sponsors our events. But I think you’ll agree, disclosures aside, it’s awesomeness. You’ve spent all year writing and sharing great content. And from time to time, you check to see how your posts perform. But when you look at that report—whether it’s in, Google Analytics, or your social media management tool of choice—how do you interpret it?

If you don’t frame your performance correctly, your boss won’t recognize your impact. Fortunately, demonstrating your success can be easy. Measure the right stuffKnow how you stand up to your peersChoose outliers to tell a story Read on as I explore each step in detail. 1. The core measure of performance in social media marketing is clicks. To give your metrics more weight, start measuring clicks per follower (CPF). Normalizing by audience size is important for two reasons. 2. (source: Argyle Social) How do you perform? 3.