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How to Write Compelling Landing Page Copy that Converts. What is it that makes the visitors brain tick? That makes them overcome that “browsing” phase and become a lead or a sale? While I wouldn’t say that all the credit for conversion goes to the copy, but it certainly influences visitors’ decisions to a great extent. After all, words make people relate and understand things better. Consumers are getting smarter by the day. Even if it’s as small a thing as submitting their email address to subscribe to your blog, or as big as paying for a product or service on a website – subtle persuasion is the mantra you should follow to convert your prospects. Having made this clear, given below are a few actionable tips that allow you to play the game right and write a compelling landing page copy for higher conversions: Let’s start with the basics… Know Your Primary Goal Blog subscription, request a quote, product sale, free trial signup… what is it that you want to accomplish on your webpage?

KISS (Keep it Simple, Stupid!) Clichéd, yes. Be Specific Tags. 8 Website Design Tips for 2013.

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26 Beautiful Landing Page Examples With A/B Testing Tips. It’s landing page examples time again, and this time I’m going to focus on critiquing the pages from an A/B testing perspective. Each example will examine the thought process you’d go through when analyzing a page (or the reaction a visitor might have when arriving for the first time), a testing hypothesis for how the page might perform better, and some examples of what you could test to prove your hypothesis.

This should give you and the page creators some inspiration for further testing, and show what you should consider when you run your own landing page A/B tests. Note: Each landing page was built by customers using Unbounce, and permission was kindly provided by the page creators. Let the critiques and A/B testing tips begin!

Actually before we start, let’s take a moment to reflect on a mistake from the past. Do you remember those old grey Windows buttons that said “Submit”? Be warned, I’ll call out anyone (nicely) who uses that foul button language in the critiques below. 1. Thoughts. The 4 Most Costly Landing Page Mistakes: Talking to Visitors the Same. The 4 Most Costly Landing Page Mistakes: Talking to Visitors the Same Posted by Inbound Marketing Agents on Wed, Feb 13, 2013 @ 01:05 PM When you start creating your landing pages, it’s only natural to make mistakes.

And yes, it is cliche to say - but you WILL learn from them. However with this post I want to save you from making 4 of the most costly mistakes we see landing pages make. The mistakes you can make when it comes to creating the best landing page for your product or service are too many to list. Some are relevant to Lead Generation Landing Pages, some to eCommerce, some mistakes we see are relevant to Information Portals, and so on. The 4 mistakes below (and how to remedy them) apply to BOTH Lead Generation Landing Pages and Ecommerce Landing Pages. Let’s get going... Different visitors respond to different tactics based on different things. Things that affect the “type of visitor” are things like: What to do to correct mistake #1 This guest post is part of a four-part series. What You Can (and Should) Ask for on Your Landing Page Forms. Your lead generation forms can make or break your online conversion goals. Because of this, very few other page elements receive quite as much attention as the lead-capture form.

In fact, 56% of marketers consider optimizing form logic to have a very significant impact on website performance, and another 46% consider optimizing their form layout to have a very significant impact as well, according to MarketingSherpa. So why is the form so vital? Well, it’s basically the entire point of a landing page -- and the entire crux of lead generation! The importance of lead-capture forms means you can sift through quite a lot of research on exactly what information to ask for on your lead generation forms. What I've learned is, there's no hard and fast rule that governs what fields are mandatory for all landing page forms.

Seem like a tall order? Follow these steps to help you determine what information you can (and should be) asking for on your forms. Step 1: Understand Page Friction Think fast! 3 Parts of a Complete B2B Search Landing Page. The ellipsis, or “…” is a written construct that means “you fill in the missing part.” In a quote, it means “something is missing here.”

The Chicago Manual of Style states, “Ellipsis points suggest faltering or fragmented speech accompanied by confusion, insecurity, distress, or uncertainty.” Compare this to the period, or “.”. A period says, “This thought is complete.” It is the sign of a complete sentence. Are you sending your hard-won search traffic to a …com or a .com? A Landing Page Is A Complete Sentence Your B2B search traffic should not be asked to fill in the blanks like a sentence that ends in an ellipsis. Your home page is often guilty of asking the visitor to figure out what lies between their search and your solution. A landing page or microsite offers a complete sentence. There are three main parts to a sentence,and your landing pages should contain them all. You should do a specific thing to get an answer to your immediate questions.

You Are Not The Subject We are… 50 Ways To Seduce Your Web Visitors With Persuasive Landing Pages. You’ve worked so hard… You see your traffic go up, and up, and up. But sometimes you wonder… Why are so many web visitors bouncing? How could you increase your conversion rates? It may sound difficult, but it really isn’t. You’re about to learn how to make each element of your landing page more enticing.

Ready? Let’s start with creating seductive headlines. How to command attention with your headlines 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. How to write compelling copy You’ve grabbed attention with your headline. Now you need to create desire. How? Follow these 9 tips and entice your web visitors with persuasive copy. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. How to become trustworthy You’ve got a fantastic product or an amazingly helpful newsletter. Your copy is compelling.

Is that enough for people to click, subscribe, or buy? No. You need to avoid silly spelling errors and grammar goofs because they make you look dumb. You need to show that you are genuine. You need to provide re-assurance. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. The Blueprint for a Perfectly Testable Landing Page - The Infographic.

Searcher Personas: Advanced Landing Page Techniques. There are a million rules for search landing page design. You have to optimize the content and decide whether more stuff is better or worse for conversion. But it’s all moot unless your focus is on getting into the head of your customers. Searcher personas are the tool that delivers clarity as you develop ads and landing pages. Personas are different from demographics. Demographics tell you valuable things about ages and income brackets that you may or may not be able to influence on your campaigns. But personas tell you about motivations and behaviors that anyone of any income, ethnicity or age might have.

Of course your products are aimed at a certain demographic. But do they make decisions based on “gut” feelings or tons of data? Good questions. Let’s begin by saying that the last thing you want to do is cast a wide net for every searcher. Or if someone says of a service company “They’re a general handy-man company.” It’s the same with landing pages. Those are the motivators. [HOW TO] 5 Ways To Create Social Landing Pages That Convert. Social landing pages are not the same as regular old landing pages.

The idea of sharing content is not a “new” word-of-mouth-marketing (WOMM) concept. But the mechanisms now available to facilitate it are. In this post you’ll learn how to contemporize your landing pages with the latest social media techniques and widgets, and why it’s beneficial to do so. First, let’s do a quick landing page recap… Landing pages are designed to provide a focused marketing experience for your visitors. Buying a product (ecommerce)Registering for a newsletter (lead gen)Signing up for a beta launch notification (lead gen)Registering for a webinar (lead gen)Gathering customer data in exchange for an ebook (lead gen) A social landing page often has the same goals, but in addition they should enable: Contemporary Marketing with Social Landing Pages Old-school WOMM relied on people actually talking to one another (gasp) and emailing or IM’ing links to one another.

It’s time for marketing to catch up. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Rules of social landing pages

Tips in Achieving a Better Landing Page Design. Landing page is the lead capture page which is the first thing a user will see upon clicking on an ad or on a link. Landing pages are usually used in online marketing. It is crucial to any form of online business which is why a landing page should be good. The effectiveness of a landing page is measured through its conversion rate which means how often people take action when they visit it. Conversions don’t happen magically. One needs to plan on optimizing and for continuous improvement. You may ask a visitor to sign up for your services, purchase a product, register for a newsletter and many others. 1.

Source Your landing page will be ineffective if you do not include relevant contents in it. 2. Source A simple landing page will get most of the attention. 3. Source If you advertised using a banner and you were stating a certain promo like you will be giving 30% off if they avail of your service today, then makes sure that when they arrive at your page, you will also offer the same. 4. Your Landing Page Sucks! Here are 10 Examples That Don’t…

Don’t take that too personally, I’ve not actually seen your landing page yet. Rather, I’m going to cling to the assumption that it sucks simply because most of them do. Sad, but horribly true. Note: I’m bringing this post back from the archives. A) because it’s timeless, B) because it’s awesome and C) as a teaser to an upcoming landing page examples post. This is 10 teeny tiny thumbnails of the soon to be heretofore thought of as the greatest landing pages ever seen on November 23rd, 2010. A real-world style landing experience Imagine walking into a restaurant, and finding that the decor is gross, the music is too loud, the staff look sketchy, the menu has 400 options on it, they have an award on the wall for “Best meatloaf in Idaho, 1995″ and to top it all off, the place is empty. Excuse me waiter, could I just get the back button please? Soooooooo, today we’re going to take a trip down to the Top-Notch Landing Page Store and see if we can rustle up something to inspire your next design.

8 Ways your Landing Page Design is Sabotaging your Click-Thru Rate. Testing and optimizing landing pages can be a fun and frustrating game of cat and mouse. Every time the mouse gets away, it feels like self-inflicted sabotage. After all, as marketers we really don’t want to eat the mouse, we’re just inviting them to play! In this post I’m going to show you how to design landing pages that create a cat and mouse snuggle-fest. Let’s start by looking at the facts. The elements that can be tested and optimized on a landing page include: The headlineThe product imageThe call-to-actionThe copyThe page layout Over half of these elements involve design, yet the majority of conversations on “how to increase landing page click-thrus” have to do with optimizing copy. Lack of Balance between Images and CopyNot Optimizing for MobileLetting your Brand Control the Color SchemeUsing Images that do Not Evoke an Emotional ResponseUsing Navigation on the PageTesting too many Design Changes at OnceNot Giving Your Layout some Breathing RoomSaying too Much at Once 1. 2. 3. 4.

The Anatomy of a Perfect Landing Page. Placement and Content 7. Keep It Above the Fold The space a visitor sees without having to scroll is where the most important parts of the webpage should be. Place the call-to-action button above the fold and in a location where the viewer's eye will scan to. 8. Optimize a landing page for conversion over time. 9. Implementing motivational speeches, videos of user testimonials, and product images into a home page can have a positive impact on viewers, as well as give shoppers an extra push to look further into a product. Bellroy uses great imagery and videos on many of their pages. 10. Links connecting the user to a bunch of other sites or pages will distract them and have a negative impact on conversions. This landing page is designed well, but look at all those header links getting in the way of the message!

30 Key Terms in Landing Page Creation & Optimization [Glossary] Landing pages play a critical role in lead generation. After all, they allow your website visitors to convert into leads and express interest in your company’s content. So what makes a landing page successful? “The number one rule,” said Dr. Flint McGlaughlin at the MarketingSherpa’s Optimization Summit , “is clarity trumps persuasion.”

As proud sponsors of this conference, HubSpot will keep sharing the lessons we learn with our audience. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Are we missing anything essential from this list? What Can Social Media Teach Us About Conversion Optimization? I’ve written before that conversion optimization can learn a lot from content marketing (such as this example). But can conversion optimization also learn something from social media marketing?

The answer is yes. In particular, one key lesson: people prefer dealing with other real people. The Social Media Antidote Marketing has gotten a bad rap — to a certain degree, deservedly so — for being artificial at times. The airbrushed models from stock photography on a landing page, smiling cheerfully as they answer customer calls, are a classic example. They look nice, but they’re not real. Even if the intent with the imagery is sincere, somewhere in the subconscious, visitors recognize that those people are not actually the people they will do business with. Or consider the pseudo-testimonial, where “John D.” of San Anonymous, CA gushes about a product in a pitch-perfect quote. How do they know it wasn’t made up? Social media thrives because it eschews such artificiality. Landing Page Optimization tips: analysis of 50+ sites to find out what increases sales and conversions. Last week I offered free conversion rate optimization advice on a popular forum (known as Hacker News).

Within a single day I got 50+ requests for help. It was definitely an enriching experience analyzing and dissecting all those websites and landing pages. As I was replying and providing my feedback to those 50+ sites, I started sensing a few common issues that affected conversion rates of all those pages. Without naming any specific URL or site, in this post I will detail where those sites lacked and what you can learn from my analysis to fix your homepage or landing page. Four common issues with landing pages According to my analysis, one of these four issues (if not all) were the most common causes of poor conversion rates. Let’s analyze the issues one by one. Issue #1: Too much text Example of a homepage with too much text Example of a balanced webpage (text + images) So, what you need is a proper balance between graphics and text. Issue #2: Lack of descriptive headline Conclusion Tags. How To Test Landing Pages | Marketing ROI or DIE! How to Design a Landing Page to be Conversion Focused.

Six Risk Reversal Tactics For B2B Lead Generation. The LIFT Model: The Six Landing Page Conversion Rate Factors. Create Landing Pages That Convert - ClickZ.