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Android. Fro:rcockx. AudioBoo Makes Podcasting With iPhone Dead Simple. This post is part of Mashable’s Spark of Genius series, which highlights a unique feature of startups. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. The series is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. Name: AudioBoo Quick Pitch: AudioBoo is social audio. An iPhone app & platform that effortlessly records audio to the cloud. Genius Idea: AudioBoo is a platform that I've been waiting to review ever since I discovered it several months ago. Review of Audioboo by Mashable Editor Ben Parr First, the iPhone app: it's very simple to use.

Yes, the iPhone app is very simple, but that's the goal: to make podcasting really easy. The website itself is also pretty basic. Since I'm talking about an audio app, I can't finish this post up without making my own Boo. Sponsored by Microsoft BizSpark Entrepreneurs can take advantage of the Azure Services platform for their website hosting and storage needs. Five Technologies Tim O'Reilly Says Point Past Web 2.0 - ReadWriteWeb.

Tim O'Reilly, co-founder of the Web 2.0 Conference, gave a short address on the 5th anniversary of that event at tonight's Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco and offered some thoughts on what's going to come next. He discussed five applications that he believes point the way. Two themes stood out: sensors will surpass humans in front of their keyboards as the primary data source on the web and Moore's Law will need to be applied to humanity's greatest problems. It's time for the Web to get smarter, O'Reilly said. Having just become a grandfather, he drew a parallel between the evolution of the web and human development. 1. Google launched an iPhone app in November that lets you search by voice. 2. The CDDB, or Compact Disk Database. See also the non-profit MusicBrainz. 3. The AMEE smart electrical grid company tracks energy use in customers' homes and offers all kinds of valuable information based on what they see. 4. 5.

Belgisch nieuws op de iPhone - Communicatiemannen. iPhone - Download thousands of iPhone applications. Online - E-Media Tidbits. Teaching Online Journalism » iPhone Apps for News. News update junkies, this is for you. The images are screenshots straight from the iPhone screen. You don’t need the new model to run these — just the 2.0 software upgrade. Mobile News Network, from the Associated Press. “Today in Video” and “Today in Photos” (above, top left) are very cool, although, unfortunately, the quality of most of the video is not all that great. This app loads fast, hasn’t crashed yet, updates often. The New York Times hasn’t worked all the kinks out of this yet, but just look at how pretty it is!

Bloomberg LP doesn’t have any pictures or video, but whew! NowLocal comes from IBS, the TV news conglomerate. Now, these two are a bit different from those preceding them — they are not the new breed of iPhone apps but are, instead, Web apps for the iPhone. In the Topics list, Al Jazeera provides a direct link to their YouTube videos, which look great on the iPhone. This screen capture is slightly reduced in size, but I didn’t sharpen or tone it. Second Life on the XBox, PS3 and iPhone.