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Journal. Readers. Feedback. Discussions in Excel. Understanding (and Avoiding) Participation Inequality in Online Communities. Essential Reading for Online Community Managers | Futurelab An international marketing strategy consultancy. The Second Life Grid: The Official Guide to Communication, Collaboration, and Community Engagement. Online Community Toolkit. I want to teach a college course on building communities. I have a new goal.

I don’t have a time-frame, nor a target college or university but I know that I’d like to teach a college course on building communities. I have the curriculum laid out in my head. I would require each student to nurture and grow their online community AND use various social media platforms to promote it and garner interest in the site. They’d have to pitch five ideas for a niche community and I would approve two, giving them the final say. This course could be in the Communications or Journalism department. We should not assume the Gen Y’ers know how to do this because they spend a great deal of time in the social media space. I believe wholeheartedly that a decent track record of building communities will open a lot of doors. I haven’t pitched this to anyone yet, but I will.

Who knew how handy that Distance Education course I took through Penn State’s World Campus a few semesters back would affect me? So here it is. . ↑ Grab this Headline Animator Like this: What the future holds for virtual worlds.