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Vermont. Old-school Collaboration Tools That Rock. For many of us who live and work on the web, playing with the latest and greatest new tools just comes with the territory.

Old-school Collaboration Tools That Rock

I find this constant tool jumping fun and exhilarating; however, not everyone that we need to work with wants to have to learn a new tool in order to collaborate with us online. Sometimes simple “old school” tools, like IRC and mailing lists, can work just as well as, if not better than, the new tools. If nothing else, people are comfortable with tools that they know and have used many times before. My full-time corporate gig is as a community manager for an open-source developer community. The community mainly comprises no-nonsense, no-frills people who love some old school tools. Featured Download: Yugma Integrates Screen Sharing with Skype. 17 Online Meeting Tools That Facilitate Collaboration. Online conferencing tools are used for many reasons – sales presentations, webinars and training, to name a few.

17 Online Meeting Tools That Facilitate Collaboration

Plus, if you work from home, like many freelancers and small business owners do, you face the unique challenge of needing live meeting time with clients who may be located around the world. There are many online meeting tools out there that offer a variety of features at varying costs.